Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Packing, plans, and names

It seems much too early to pack bags, but I'm making lists today for things that I need to think about packing. This time I have to think about Raf's little overnight bag as well as the logistics of having Raf be someplace while we go off to the hospital. Our old nanny, Dani, has courageously agreed to have Raf overnight should things happen in the wee hours, and then we'll have him dropped off at preschool. We're trying to make a few contingent plans in case it all falls through, and of course this is when I wish we had some handy relatives living close by to watch Rafio as his little brother arrives. We had thought Raf might be there at the hospital, but I suspect he'd be terribly bored by the entire thing...

So we're making some plans. I can't remember what was useful last time, though I am sure I overpacked.

Last time I had a nice birth plan written out - and I was so sure it would go smoothly - and it did - and I never ever really considered that things might not go our way. We did consider the possibility of a C-section, but we weren't thinking of having to deliver in a bigger hospital with a NICU with Drs we don't know. We didn't have to really think about whether our wishes would be respected because Deb was our Dr. and the nurses at Mercy are well known to be wonderfully supportive of different birthing choices.

I met with one midwife today and we chatted a little about what could happen. In a perfect world I will make it to 37 plus weeks and have my lovely water birth at Mercy with the midwives. In an almost perfect world I will make it to 36 weeks and, while I'll be risked out of a water birth, I'll still be in Mercy with midwives I know in a setting which is comfortable and relaxed.

If baby decides to put in an appearance in the coming few weeks then, well, we'll be at the bigger hospital. This IS an amazing place, by the way. We're pretty spoiled in the Portland area when it comes to super places to have a kiddo, but it is a high risk place with quite a different culture, with OBs and residents and interns everywhere, and while it is absolutely the best place to be when there are risks to the baby, I have to say that I'm nervous about going there. I asked the midwife if it was worth meeting with a Dr., but the truth is it could be one of hundreds of Drs who helps deliver this boy, so it would be a little pointless. I may do a tour of the hospital, though, so I cam ask some questions about expectations and policies.

Any advice on planning for a potential high risk birth would be much appreciated. I suppose we're going to need at least 3 different birth plans.

And names... I feel terrible that we're not really sure of a name. Nothing is jumping out at us and names which were on the list have now been firmly removed. Theo is out and probably Xavier, too.

Keep ideas coming!

Edited to add: my bed rest was not downgraded (though it's not as strict as I suspect it could be) and in fact the midwife has signed me out of work until the baby comes. I have no idea how I'll manage this as I have so many things I need to finish up. She did caution that any form of stress was just not good.


  1. Oh, i adore Henry, my little cousin had a baby Henry 18mths ago and i think it is such a strong name (and also cute for a little one too)

    My old list... I'm trying to remember it...
    I had Callum (i know that's going to be an OUT on your list though), Ronald, Geoffrey, i love Benjamin (even before i fell in love with an adorable one!), Hugo....

    what's on the shortlist?

  2. Oh impossible for stress not to be good when you're going through such a stressful time. Big hugs!!

    I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed for you that poppet stays put until you're past 37 weeks. I guess in this situation you need to try and prioritise and ultimately, the children will come first and work second, no matter how frustrating that is. It WILL all work out though, whatever happens.
    I really hope that time ticks away quickly for you and this little boy stays in his mama all comfortable, happy and healthy until he's no longer classed as pre-term.

    Choosing a name now must seem such a rush, especially as you envisaged having another month or so to decide. I still like Lachlan. :) Why not try just clearing your mind and seeing which name drifts in first. If it keeps pushing its way into your head, that could be the one!

    Take care. xxxxxx

  3. Oh I hope hope hope you find enough things to simply pin you to that bed and allow you to - pushing it here, I know - even enjoy it a little. I'm wishing all my wishes that I'll poppet stays cosy in your womb for as long as poss and does all the growing he can and that you can reduce your stress and have as smooth a birth as poss. I love you so much
