Friday, August 25, 2017

Outdoor Movie Time

Thursdays have tended to be a little wet this summer, which is a shame as there's both an outdoor concert series as well as a movie series on this particularly weekly evening. Fortunately the sun stayed out and the rain stayed away for the showing of our favorite summer movie - Moana (the soundtrack of which has kept us entertained all summer long). 

More Beach Days

Months behind with blogs but this has been a very busy summer with no babysitter coverage. I was also teaching online - and it's been quite a big challenge to get everything done with virtually no help. Still, the children and I have had plenty of super adventures. Rich is not the biggest fan of the beach and has a two hour rule - so the children and I tend to go on our own, and we have a blast. They are so happy there, and can play for hours with just each other (and me) or friends who we meet down there - sometimes planned, but often spontaneously. Just a few pics from one of my very favorite places.

hatts insists on carrying down the board on her own.. in fact she carries everything on her own.

A bike ride and walk to another great spot.

Floating down the river...

Meeting friends for an evening of fun.

Another day, more friends.

And yet more friends.

More boogie boarding.

These are just the best days - fast coming to a close.