Saturday, August 18, 2012

Odds and Ends

Raf is not a fan of bed rest. He doesn't understand at all why I'm never feeling very well and he's desperate for me to go and play on the beach or to swing him over my shoulder as usual. Yesterday was a bit of a nightmare day as his school was closed, Rich had meetings most of the day and wasn't getting home until late, and I felt terrible calling someone to help take care of Rafi, so it was just me and him.

In the afternoon I ended up putting him in the car and taking him to the bookstore where I'd at least be able to sit down and play with him, and while it was a nice reprieve from rest I was feeling very worse for wear when we got home. Thankfully we've signed him up for Fridays at his new school for the foreseeable future so hopefully we won't have any repeat of that. And even more thankfully he's really enjoying school. This evening I asked him what he'd like to do tomorrow, and he said 'see his friends at school'. Poor Rafi, he'll be hanging out with boring old mum and dad instead

After a really good Tuesday appointment it's been a very up and down week with symptoms intensifying and then easing... it really is a matter of waiting things out. It's frustrating as there is so much to do here - and at work - and while I'm supposed to be on leave I've postponed going on official leave until I can square away a few important things. I also need to work out a plan for the department whilst I'm gone. Most of my department have been fantastically helpful and supportive... alas, not everyone. And it's very hard on Rich, too, who is doing his best to entertain Raf and get things done. And then he has a grumpy spouse...

Baby Toast is seeming to thrive, though, and that's the most important thing, right now. He's such a mover and shaker, which is very reassuring. This week I have another scan onTuesday and another midwife appointment on Wednesday, when I think I'll be having another non-stress test. Fingers crossed that all looks good.

Despite Raf not being a happy camper about the bed rest, he is feeling much better and is being fairly feisty! He says 'no' with such fervor that you'd often think I was asking him if he wanted to drink some poison as opposed to offering him a yogurt! At the same time we're getting a lot of 'I wuv yous'. This morning it was one of the first things that came out of his mouth. It makes the very early wake-up calls much easier to cope with! And his sentence construction seems to be improving everyday. Previously he'd say something like, 'help!' or 'help, please', and now he says, 'I need help, please'. He seems to be really catching up with his expressive speech. (as an aside, and this will teach me to be more careful, he asked what Rich was doing, and I mumbled, 'oh, being a lazy sod', and of course called Rich that... bad, bad mummy.)

And names... who knows what we'll call this kiddo. I'm trying to think of a derivative of Archie (for my dad.. I have a nephew with that name otherwise that would be the name we'd choose) so if you have ideas.

Raf and me receiving a quick foot run with cream!

1 comment:

  1. I'm happy to hear about Rafi's language skills! Glad your littlest boy is reassuring with all the movement, too. Every day he can stay in helps! Have you ever checked for name help? I've done that and they can suggest similar names or sibling names that actually sometimes make sense. I find it a little more productive than name books (not like I need either right now).
