Tuesday, May 1, 2012

May Day

May 1st is here and I have to admit that it's a difficult day around these parts. I've been dreading May for many reasons, not least because I am so buried in work I can't imagine actually meeting any deadlines. And despite it being my birthday month, which happens to fall on Mothers Day this year, it is also the month of my dad's birthday, a few days before mine, a day that I loved to spend with him.

Last year, when shopping for birthday cards, I came upon a lovely Grandpa card that I bought for Raf to send to his Grandpa. I came across it a few months ago in the drawer we keep cards and stationary and felt so sad for all that we've lost. Dad really was Raf's biggest fan - outside Rich and I. No one was as interested in Rafi as my dad. He would spend hours, literally hours, listening patiently and with sincere interest to me as I prattled on and on about the things that Raf had been up to. Mum would show Dad pictures of Raf I would send through (he was pretty computer illiterate) and he would always exclaim that he was so lovely, that he'd "never known a boy like it". He called him a "lovely little chap" and he was so comfortable in his company. They would sit together cuddling, watching some Peppa Pig, and my dad was really the only person in the world other than me who Rafi would cuddle like that.

Raf played this endless game of climbing up on a box and climbing over the arm of the chair, demanding that grandpa pull him over. Dad's poor shoulder was already injured, but he did this same move over and over again. 

A quick cuddle and a rest and Raf was up for another round.

Midmorning, eating snacks, watching Peppa.

Next day, it's time for a nap.

Whilst I should actually be spending this time doing work, I'm going to try and blog almost daily until Dad's birthday, sharing some memories of my lovely old Dad. 


  1. Looking forward to reading more about your dad---when i see those pictures of him and Rafi, I can see the love he has for him (and those pronouns could apply to either boy in either direction). So lovely. :)

  2. So sweet. I'm so sorry your dad had to leave so soon....I know Rafi will know that he was a very special boy to his grandpa and will treasure the photos you have of them together.

  3. hey sweety, i love to hear about your dad..looking forward to reading more. please let me know if i can be there for you in anyway. much love x

  4. You've experienced such a sad loss Alex, and I'm sure these first anniversaries will be tough for you and all your family. However, I'm a great believer that our loved ones are still with us after they pass over and if your Dad is able to watch over you, Rafi and the new little poppet, I'm certain he is. A little of him will live on in your children and in you, and he'll always be a big part of your lives. My husband lost his dad when our eldest was 8 months old, but despite the children not knowing their Granddad, he's still very much a part of the family - often talked of and talked to and very loved by us all.

    I hope that May will be a month you can enjoy, with your birthday and Mother's Day, whilst remembering all those special times shared with your Dad. I look forward to hearing more about him over the coming month.
    Take care and big hugs. xx

  5. (((Alex)))

    I look forward to the posts about your wonderful dad, too. Those photos are just the sweetest thing ever.

    Sending lots of good wishes to you three and to your mom.

    I hope we can get together soon.


  6. Thanks, everyone. It means a lot that you'd like to read more about him. And, Ariella, I so agree with you. A few weeks ago my mum called my mobile - which is not that typical since she's calling from overseas- but she'd found a picture of dad from when he was around 3ish and she said he looked JUST like Raf. And Raf's cheerful and kind nature makes me think of dad an awful lot.

    Jen, would love to see you. xoxo

  7. This is so sweet, Alex. I also would love to see more.
