Thursday, December 11, 2014

Oh, Sister!

We had our big anatomy ultrasound on Tuesday. Unfortunately Rich couldn't make it so I headed there on my own. I was there for a long time as the little poppet was all scrunched up with her head into her knees. The sonographer had me lying on my side, turning the chair almost upside down for gravity to take effect, and then finally walking around for 10 minutes, trying to change her position. It sort of worked. 

Everything seemed great... heart looked good, 10 fingers and 10 toes. The perinatologist did come in to talk to me afterwards as they noted a plexus cyst in the brain. It can be associated with Trisomy 18 but they did a very thorough level II ultrasound and this was an isolated finding so they aren't worried at all. Since I had the Maternity 21 test, too, they are very sure that it's a variation on normal (they see it a lot).

And it is indeed a GIRL! I was ready for them to find some boy parts - but a girl it seems to be. I've not bought any clothes yet as I've been so sure that the testing could be wrong!

Photography by Rafael... 

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