Saturday, December 13, 2014

Advent: Days 7, 8, 9 & 10

Nana (my mum) arrived on Thursday evening so I'm a little behind with Advent blogs. It's been a very busy week but last Sunday we enjoyed a very fun morning with the boys... 

At the..

Trolley Museum!

It was a cold, icy morning and only marginally warmer on the trolley. But it was decked out with plenty of pretty, festive decorations and afterwards the boys played in the museum and browsed the shop) and I managed to pick up a few Christmas pressies.

Monday - I was riding solo and I mistakenly thought that decorating 'trees' would be a good theme for the evening. Alas, I had to drag two tired kids to Target to pick up some supplies, which was an absolute disaster! We arrived home frazzled (me!) and unlistening...!

But we did have fun decorating the Christmas Tree Cake. Half way through decorating the other 'trees' I called a halt to the 'fun' and dragged them both to bed :)

The next morning (around 5am as I graded in the office!) we put the boys little tree up in my office...

And then went downstairs to see what the day's preparations would be...

A very easy one... Christmas books (which arrived via Raf as we'd ordered them through his school).

Day 10 was a Christmas Donation... which so far we actually haven't had time to do! This week...!

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