Since I'm a little tired to do an in depth blog, I'll just do a quick bullet point one:
1) Appt with Deb on Monday went well. Aside from the sickness and the fluids and all of that, everything else was seemingly fine. Poppet's heart rate was good, my BP was 104/70 and whilst my uterus was measuring a little 'off', Deb wasn't concerned. I had been spot on until Monday so I am of course a little worried, but the last scan showed good growth, etc. I had actually dropped a couple of pounds since my last appointment, but this was more than likely dehydration and so no doubt I have recouped those pounds and more :)
2) I saw another Dr yesterday - Craig. He heads up the integrative medicine department at our local hospital. He does all sorts of wonderfully hokey stuff, and I've been seeing him for a couple of years to help with my lupus. Mostly I've done guided imagery and medical hypnosis with him, and so since I am doing hypnobabies (yikes, I still have to begin this with some earnest) I checked in with him to see if he could help. I've seen him a few times since we learnt I was pregnant, mostly for relaxation imagery. Yesterday, though, we talked about hypnobabies and I asked him to help with the 'scripts'... Happily, he said yes! So for the next couple of months - until my due date - I'll be seeing him weekly, or every other week, to work on each unit of work.
3) I am almost finished with the semester! Woo hoo. I have some grading to do and meetings to attend, but basically it is almost at a close. I am just teaching one summer course online - which is a relief as two would have been a bit overwhelming.
4) Rich has become very adept at making my smoothies... In 15 years this is about the only thing he's 'cooked' :) Well done, Richie!
5) We have our shower next week!! I am extremely excited about it. It looks as though quite a few people will be there. And today I saw the invitations which Jen had sent to our guests. They are beautiful. THANK YOU, Jen.
6) We decided to get a moses basket... I am now facing the decision about which one to get. Oh boy! A cheapy thing.. or something more expensive with toxins and the environment in mind. There is a MAJOR leap in price. If we do go for a more expensive one we thought about how it might be one of those things you pass down... so it might be nice to invest in something like that.
7) Out bathroom plans fell through AGAIN. So we're back to plan A... which is to renovate our small bathroom. Oh, old houses....
8) Lovely... I experienced the terrible leg swelling in a major way on Tuesday. It wasn't pretty. I was kneeling down for a long while and when I showered I looked down and my thighs had literally doubled in size. I was a bit mortified.. surely, I though, I couldn't have deposited THAT MUCH fat on my legs in two hours. Fortunately the fluid was all gone the next morning. What on earth will happen to them in these coming warmer weeks...
9) I am 30 weeks pregnant... or 7 and a half months... or 69 days to go!! Of course this means that it's just 8 weeks until I am considered full term.
10) And here I am at 30 weeks... My tummy increases in size by at least two inches by the end of the day. Thank you 'bloat'.

I look really pregnant when you see me just at the right angle!

what a wonderful bump, though other than that you don't look pregnant at all (if that's not a stupid thing to say!).
ReplyDeleteI can't believe how fast the time is going. I am really relieved that you are feeling better, as if you don't have enough to contend with.
and yay rich!