Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Advent Days Six and Seven

A little behind on advent blogs, and we've had lots of adventures to record. The weekend before last, we headed out for our christmas tree. We usually pop up the road and pick out a tree from the local garden center, but this year we headed it to a tree farm where you go and pick the tree and cut it down yourself. We were excited, though a little nervous as we also realized we'd have to tether it to the car ourselves, and frankly practical things like that aren't necessarily something the Oliver-Campbells are good at. 

We usually get our tree, too, on the 1st, but because of work and school we waited until the weekend. Raf was very worried that we wouldn't be getting a tree at all, so he was very relieved when the elf left the children a note that the day was tree day!

We've had an incredibly mild late autumn so it was fun to head out to the field and into the squelchy mud. Raf almost lost his wellington boot!

We hopped on a tractor to be taken to the field... what an adventure.

Raf carrying his brother... who had woken up a bit too early from his car nap.

How about this one... with no top?!

Rich cut down the tree and carried it to the pick up area.

Wooo... Charlie was very excited. 'Look at the tree, Raf', he kept saying.

Hatts was very excited to see the lights...

Checking to see if they were working; ta da!

They had a super time decorating it...

Lots of special decorations... especially ones reminding us of Grandpa.

Everyone took a turn putting the star atop.

Too excited for me to get a picture. Raf said, 'everyone gather under the tree'. 

A really fun, long day :) And I only had one panic attack driving home with the thought that the tree was going to fly off. I was driving 30 in a 50 zone!

Advent Day 7

The next morning the Elf left another note, high in the tree!

 Charlie opens the card... 

... and Raf read it.

Aha, decorating their little tree! The boys were excited about their after school activity, and in the meantime left a note for whomever, with all their ninja turtles under the tree.

I took Harriet to bed and the boys decorated when Rich arrived home.


And a lovely snowman.


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