Monday, April 6, 2015

The Yard

Given the long, snowy and cold winter in the north east - and not being winter sports people - the need for the boys to burn some energy somehow without going stir-crazy has been an on-going issue. We were lucky that in the next town an indoor play center opened just as the winter dragged on seemingly without end. Called 'The Yard' and situated in lovely old mill buildings - it has proved a blessing for a few hours each week...

1 comment:

  1. What a great place! Perfect for burning off some energy. :-)
    My in-laws are in Toronto and have kept us well-informed of the terrible winter you've had this year in the states and especially in Buffalo and Boston. It must take its toll after a while. I know I'd struggle with the interminable cold.
    Hope you're keeping well and the little one is happy where she is still. x
