Wednesday, December 19, 2012

2 months old and some firsts

Charlie turned 2 months old on the 17th. Time is flying by and we're really enjoying him. My official maternity leave also came to an end. Usually you have 12 weeks of protected time but because I was on bed rest I burned up my FMLA time and was out postpartum on short term disability. Charlie is so little and it seems so crazy to me that you're expected to leave them at such a young age. Breastfeeding is especially difficult when you're away as they eat so often and so much comfort is gotten through the closeness of nursing. Needless to say I feel very low about it and I'm wondering how Charlie and I will cope. Of course we WILL cope, but I don't necessarily buy into the notion that it's harder on me and that he will be fine. Plenty of research shows the elevated stress levels of young children left in day care, especially when they are this young, and given he so far refuses a bottle... well, it's not going to be easy. 

This time goes by so quickly and I don't want to miss it. I'm already counting down the days of the upcoming semester. My poor students is all I have to say.. and also my poor colleagues as I'm already feeling resentful about plenty of things work-related. 

I don't want to miss Charlie's first laugh or his first roll or the first time he clutches his rattle - and I especially don't want to miss these things because I'm at work. Darn the US and its incredibly awful maternity policies.

But who can be cross when Charlie smiles like this?

This is his first time in a stroller. It was pouring with rain and I couldn't face schlepping him out into his moby when we hit the shops.

First time sleeping together... well, with me in the middle.

Helping me with the ironing.. this wasn't a first.

First time cuddling with Sammy.

Aw, brothers.

First time in his big brother's old Beco carrier.

Daily tummy time.


  1. I'm sorry about the short maternity leave, Alex. :-( It really is sad that you have to go back so soon. Charlie is adorable, as usual! I love that smile!

  2. He is so strong! US maternity leave sucks, I'm sorry. I love the pics and what a smile charlie has! X

  3. So cute! I'm sorry about the maternity leave, too. I was so glad to just resign from my FT job and work Saturdays but even that has its drawbacks as we're not together as a family often.

  4. Alex, I am so behind on posts so this may be updated, but S is refusing a bottle as well and I'm stressed! Looking forward to see how Charlie copes. I feel the same way you do about the leave. Love Charlie's peaceful smiles!
