Monday, May 30, 2011

Big Boy Birthday Party

it's been a busy couple of weeks in the Oliver-Campbell household. Our nanny, unfortunately, is leaving much sooner than we thought... i.e. she is leaving this week. It's been a mad scramble trying to decide what to do, so this past week we toured a couple of daycare centers nearby to us. One of them was ROOTS, which we have heard mixed things about, but the toddler room teacher was just lovely and very kind and sweet with the kids. The ratios there are pretty low and the kids in the room Raf would be in, seemed very mellow. The truth is Raf did seem to do great when he was there, ambling around, seemingly quite confident. We visited another place, too, and he really like that one, too, so if ROOTS doesn't workout for whatever reason, then we have another place. And if none of these work out we will find someone new....

We've also had some fun trips to the park this past week and I will try and upload some pics later. This weekend was especially busy. Rich took part in a trail race, which we all went to, and in the afternoon Raf attended his first big boy birthday party. Our friend Kate's little boy, Thomas, was turning 4, and with his older brother Taylor and his friend, Max, as well as their sweet little Connor, there were a lot of big boys for Raf to toddle after. He had a lovely time, and the big boys were really quite sweet with him. The highlight was watching Thomas patiently showing Raf some games on Kate's iPad. Raf was babbling in response, and whilst Thomas could not have understood a single word, he nevertheless chatted to Raf as though they were engaging in a proper chat.

Checking out the big boys...

Taylor whacking the pinata... !


  1. Lovely post! Raf had a great time following the boys around and we did have a busy weekend! Also with Noah & Stacy's B-B-Q today, we should have a quieter one this weekend coming....apart from the triathlon get together!!

  2. Lovely Dovely Rafi :) Nice to see him enjoying!!

    I hope he loves the new place from next week....Good luck sweetie!!

    Raami's Mom :-)

  3. Hi there, my geezer friend (sorry, I didn't get to reply to your previous birthday post! :-). What an adorable party this was. I'm glad Raf had fun, and that you have solved your childcare problem for now! yay.
