Sunday, November 18, 2012

Happy One Month, Baby Charlie.

Charlie turned one month old yesterday! The time is absolutely flying and I'm panicking about returning to work. I wish the US had saner maternity leave policies. I'm just thankful that at least we have the holidays coming up so I'll make it to almost 12 weeks before I actually have to return to work. Even so, leaving a 3 month old seems crazy to me. My mum is coming over at Christmas and is going to stay a while and help with Charlie, and then we have a few other ideas, but mostly I am feeling sick about leaving him. Boo to not being independently wealthy :)

Charlie, though, is a little dream.  Last night he slept for 6 hours! Alas the dogs woke the rest of us up and I was up with Raf, eating toast, at midnight, so there wasn't much of an opportunity to take advantage of it. Nonetheless, as long as I go to bed really early I can get a good 3-4 hour stretch, and then he usually goes for another 3 hours before he's a little more difficult to get back down. 

He's also growing incredibly fast. We have his one month check up on Tuesday and seems to be doing well. His breathing seems much better, which is a big relief. 

Yesterday we celebrated the one month mark with some cupcakes and pizza. What a sweet boy.

Raf has a horrible cold so we had to skip gym class yesterday. For once he wore his dressing gown and remembered that Nana has bought it for him. He likes putting trains in his pockets.

Later that morning Charlie attempted some tummy time. Frankly he almost always falls asleep on the job. This is a bit miraculous to us because Raf so rarely fell asleep unless he was nursing or in the car or stroller. Charlie can quite often nod off on his mat.

A little wake up... 

... before he's really out of it. 

later that morning, once Rich and Raf were back from the library, we went for a little hike on the trail near our house. Raf scared us half to death by playing perilously close to the water as he dropped sticks off the bridge. But a very fun game... 

Raf being his usual, quiet self!

I can hardly believe that we're in November and that it's almost Thanksgiving. Feeling very fortunate to have two such lovely boys. We had another great adventure today, which I'll post pics off once I download them.


  1. How can he be a month old already!!! It was such a joy to see you all today and to hold little Charlie-formerly-known-as-Toast. Raf is an absolute dear as well. Such sweet kids you have!!! xoxoxo
