Monday, July 2, 2012

Poppet 2: 101 days

to go...

Today we had our 26 week scan. I have scans monthly and then weekly once I hit 32 weeks as I have a lupus diagnosis. I went through the same protocol with Raf, and it was always fascinating seeing the progress from month to month and week to week.

This morning we all headed to the fetal maternal center - Raf included. When we saw baby boy 2 on the screen and told Raf what the odd image was, he smiled and exclaimed very excitedly, "baby Charlie!" (I have no idea how we're going to call this little one something different now). That was about the extent of his excitement and I began to have second thoughts about bringing him along! He was actually a very good boy - except for the loud 'baby duck' chant.

Poppet 2 is looking good! Average sized head and long femur bones, which is quite different to Raf who had a massive conker - always measuring 3 weeks ahead - and perfectly normal/average femur bone length. Heart looked super and the little one was doing his practice breathing already.

Alas no 3D image. We had a very nice male sonographer but he didn't indulge us with some cute 3D images.

So all looks good. I won't pretend that this has been an easy pregnancy. I'm extremely sick and run down, and last week one of my blood work markers for a lupus flare-up came back elevated. I'm not super worried, but it would help to explain the crazy, crazy fatigue.


  1. Wonderful to see poppet2. Love you

  2. Charlie is a fine name! My cousin's son named his little brother (well, they were listing names and he got very attached to the one and that's what the kept).
    So glad all is looking well for baby, keep taking it as easy as you can and get the rest you need. xo

  3. What a dear image this is--and what a lucky boy that his mama is keeping him safe and helping him to grow. But oh, Alex, I'm so sorry that you've been so exhausted. Sending you lots of love!

  4. Awww, he's SO cute! Don't worry, my DS called my DD "Grover" for months in utero. But, forgot about it when she had a REAL name. :P

    Sue X.

  5. how lovely to get to see the new boy. he will be here so soon!
    love lucy x

  6. Very happy to see baby #2 ( baby "Charlie" ) and he looks so cute already!!! Feel better soon Alex (((hugs)))
