Monday, June 18, 2012

Friendly Boy and Other Snippets.

Raf is an incredibly friendly little boy. So friendly that I worry a little bit about him being so vulnerable. He loves to say 'hi' and then 'bye' to everyone he meets. In fact he likes to have the windows down when driving in the car, and when we get to a stop light he shouts 'hi' to the people in the next car, motorbike, or random people walking down the street. If no one is around he loves to say 'hi' to inanimate objects.

"Hi train bridge, hi green grass, hi ice-cream shop, hi cars, hi train track, hi car bridge, hi shop, hi train shop, hi trees...", and then we have "bye house, bye Nico and Rosa, bye ice-cream shop, bye boys, bye train track.. see you soon".

It is a bit heartbreaking when someone he's said 'hi' to doesn't say 'hi' back. Really, people, there is never a good reason to not say hello to a very lovely little boy who, in his sing-song voice, shouts out 'hi' and waves frantically when you don't reply. I am sure I'm affected much more than him. Raf just carries on and starts saying 'hi' to the friendlier green grass instead.

Other funny/sweet things Raf does of late:

When he is very sad and crying he says, in a very sad voice, "tish (tissue) please" and points to the tissue box, waiting for you to wipe away his tears. He's always very polite when he asks for them.

He's also currently obsessed with kissing boo boos - well, me kissing his boo boos and him kissing mine. Yesterday when kissing a boo boo, when he was still upset, I asked him what would help, and he responded with the "train shop". Why not try your luck?

This past Saturday Raf had his final gym class of the term. We'd decided to take a break for the summer since the Saturday class is no longer, and we'd have to switch to an evening class. Well he had such a fun time on Saturday that we enrolled him in the Monday evening class. First class was tonight..  Let me just say that an evening class is a different animal entirely. He was utterly maniacal! But he had a blast and I actually managed to snap a picture of him with his listening ears on.

Here are a couple of clips of Raf's gymnastics! I think he needs some work on his vaulting technique, but a very good approach. 

And perhaps his trampolining could do with a little brushing up... but he did put his arms in the air.


  1. It sounds like his speech/language is really taking off! I don't understand why people can't say hi. My running group always says good morning to people we pass by and most don't respond (although we're not cute like Rafi).

  2. It's so funny, Julie, because when we run or ride and people don't say hi back, Rich and I do a hand signal to indicate sourness!!

    1. Usually one of the guys I run with says "have a nice day" fairly sarcastically.

  3. Alex: I'd respond to that cuteness. What is different from the Sat class to Monday class? Do the parents participate too? Have you tried him in music class? Music together has a 'Hello Song" they sing to each person. I think it depends on the instructor as to how good the music classes are. Hope you are getting to enjoy your summer.

  4. Sarah, the difference is that an evening class is close to his bedtime...!! Need I say more?! He has been to a Music Together class and liked it, but right now the gym class is suiting his crazy energy!

    And Julie, I meant to say that his speech has gotten SO much better. I'm really happy about it!

  5. This is just so much adorableness!!!!!

  6. That is seriously too stinking cute! I love the running/vaulting video most of all. :-)

  7. Lovely post AC - capturing the sweetness and craziness of our first son and some of his pursuits!

  8. Thanks you guys! He is so, so, so sweet. I keep watching the trampoline video because compared to everyone else he really didn't bounce! It is so funny. We don't want him to grow up! Stay this age forever, Raf!

  9. Oh my he is such a cutie pie :-) Very sweet !!
