Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Sibling Fun...!

It's been a very rocky start to the new year with poor Hatts suffering with a horrible little bug that triggered her reflux, which was followed by one of Raf's fever episodes. But fingers crossed everyone is more or less healthy! Famous last words... Lots of blogs to catch up on, but a few pictures to share of the little ones and their friends enjoying all that the indoors has to offer (yes, it's freezing...).

Some chalk fun... 

and some difficult times sharing.

We returned back to the Yard, and this time Harriet was big enough to join in with the activities. Here she is, uncertain of swinging...

And then the crew and their friends taking over the place.

The little siblings playing basketball... until Hatts fell backwards when the ball bounced on her head. Poor wee thing.

And then pizza fun with all the children. These boys - best of friends - watching extreme skiing on the TV whilst we wait for the best vegan pizza in town.


And to prove that the poor middle child loves his sister...

Hanging out in the kitchen... Hatts' new found crawling skills.

Oh, these two.

And my lovely girl.

Off we go AGAIN to the Children's Museum with more friends.

Future medics?



Marine biologists? Charlie loved finding out that Sea Stars eat other stars' legs, and that they then rejuvenate!?


Back to their messy bedroom (playroom), all happy together... for a little while, at least.

Helping me to sort out washing...

And more poorly kiddos.

Octonauts in the bath...

Sand play in the house (love the kinetic sand.. thanks, Jen, for introducing it to us last year!)

And yes, more play dates... cake decorating time.

And after all that fun, completely passed out on the couch... no sledding for us that afternoon.

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