This is obviously a little late, but we've been so busy the past few weeks and haven't had a chance to blog about Halloween! So a few pics and an overview of our day.
Raf doesn't go to nursery on a Monday but his school were having a Halloween party so we all headed there for a morning Halloween parade of all the little ones in their costumes. Raf was a scarecrow but because of a) his dislike of hats, and b) the size of his head - refused to wear the very funny hat that came with the outfit. Never mind, as his hair was perfect for the occasion! We took some goodies, and much to our shame and dismay, we were the only parents to bring 'bad' food: vegan chocolate 'spiders' and vegan sugar cookies decorated with all sort of bright, luminous sprinkles, which contained probably hideous dyes and preservatives. Eek.
Everyone looked so sweet in their outfits, and though Raf clung to me to like a little barnacle, it was funny seeing him with his little friends. Soon enough we were all headed outside so we could parade around the town. Given there was snow on the ground we didn't get too far, but it was a lot of fun. Raf sat in the buggy and insisted on holding my hand the entire way around. He also held the hand of is little friend sat next to him!

After the parade everyone had a nice snack (including the bad food we bought) and Raf started to untether himself from me. Toward the end he was having a good time with his friends, brothers Sawyer and Colby.
When we got home Raf had fun painting a pumpkin. It looked so beautiful afterward, and that weekend we made two very delicious pumpkin pies out of Raf's offering.
Sadly, our camera's battery died when we headed to Noah and Stacey's house for some trick or treating. I had to rely on my iPhone, which didn't do a very good job in the dark, but still, you can get a glimpse of Raf.
It was very funny because Raf doesn't really know what candy is and hasn't shown any interest, so Rich and I thought that he's be fairly reserved about collecting the sweets and goodies. But, this was far from the case! He bulldozed past everyone to get to the first house and had a lovely time filling his little pumpkin bag as we went from house to house. He had no clue what he was collecting, but enjoyed very much the process of going to people's houses and popping his hand in the bowl.
He didn't show any interest in eating any of the candy, either, though I suspect that next year's Halloween might be very different!