Raf had his 15 month wellness appointment today - except he's 17 months old now so we just made it is his 18 month appointment! I am all for fewer medical appointments, and I am guessing so is Raf who screamed and screamed blue murder as they took his height, weight, and head measurement. Really, though, who likes to be undressed and measured and prodded? Poor little guy.
He is doing well at 24 pounds, and almost 32 inches in height. He's actually now under the 50th percentile for weight - which is quite odd, really, given that almost everyone comments on how sturdy and stocky he is! I do think that the size of his head (yes, still off the charts), gives a misleading impression :)
The nurse practitioner we saw today (instead of Deb) was really lovely, and was very understanding about cosleeping, bf'ing, going slowly with vaccinations. So Raf has a tetanus and that was it. We've decided to hold off on a fair few (including the MMR) until Raf's at least 2.
Unfortunately, though, the NP did note a potential concern. i hate to spell it out here on our public blog poor Raf's private issues, but I'll just say that he has to see an urologist and it looks likely that he might have to have an operation. I'm already very worried, as is Rich, but I'm hoping that we'll know more after we see the specialist.
On another note, this past weekend we tried to get a few photos of Raf for our holiday cards...It was quite difficult as he was much less amenable to wearing a hat and as soon as we'd put in his head he's take it off again! We sort of gave up, but I do think we got a couple of sweet shots.