Wednesday, January 20, 2010

bit of a moan.

I may have to begin another blog as I may regularly whinge about work! Today is my first day of classes. I'm not contending very well with the transition to work. Im sure it'll get easier but at the moment it's difficult and I find myself pulled in so many different directions. I already feel burned out and I have yet to even meet with my students!

This isn't helped by the sleep I've been having recently. Or, more precisely, the lack of sleep. I do around 98.9% of night parenting and recently - probably since we returned from CT - Raf has been sleeping pretty poorly - which means mama sleeps very poorly. I was feeling chronically sleep deprived earlier this week, but now Raf has a cold and last night was just horrifying. I went to bed before 9pm thinking I'd catch up on a bit of sleep and Raf just couldn't sleep. Rich took him downstairs but all I just lay there listening to Raf upset so up back he came and basically didn't sleep the entire night. It's not an exaggeration to guess that I woke up over 20 times in 5 hour period. I'd drift off to sleep and Raf would start crying. Not much would comfort him.

So I'm up at 3:30am wondering how I'll manage the day. Rich has a class this evening so it's going to be a long day.. and then tonight, oh, mercy, tonight. I'm already dreading it.

It doesn't help that I haven't managed to squeeze in any sort of workout in a couple of days. It feels like the only time I get my body back.. and today it's not looking good.


  1. I really feel for you, sweety. Shall I hop on a plane and come help out? lol I'm thinking of you and sending you lots of love x

  2. You are not helping me in thinking going back to work is even going to be the least bit feasible! I think you have to look at the positives to help get through it...for me--yes, I will be working 10 hour days, but that will give me one extra full day with him (isn't it great that I call it an "extra" day with my son?? The irony is not lost on me) For you--IDK your schedule, but maybe that you have a couple hours with him everyday? Or that you have the morning before work? It is sooooo hard, I am dreading, dreading dreading it. And how do you even manage to work out?? I might be able to if I had a treadmill in the house, but otherwise forget it!! The fact that you can work out ever I think you should consider a success!!

  3. hugs. i wish i could offer practical help. are you working full time? is there any time you can catch a nap? i know how hard it can be.


  4. Sending you lots of love, Alex. I'm so sorry about this. I hope Raf (and therefore you) feels better really soon. xoxxoxo

  5. Thanks, everyone. Poor little guy has a cold and Raf really experiences discomfort in really sad ways. He seems to gulp in lots of air when he cries and coughs so he then gets a very sore tummy from too much gas.

    Anyway, rich took the day off yesterday to look after him as we felt badly about taking Raf to Jen's. he was a complete grump - and also he needed a lot of TLC.. It was actually Rich's longest time with Raf yesterday (well, without me!).

    BUT, and I hope this makes you feels better, M, but work was fine. I was very busy and, despite being extremely tired on virtually no sleep, I found the energy and honestly did enjoy being with my students. It was a crazy day as Rich had to bring Raf to work after my classes had finished so that he could make it to his class on time (he's a part time grad student).. BUT I did make it out for a sneaky run right after I wrote the 'moan', It was cold, slushy, snowing, etc., but working out - and even forgoing sleep - is the centerpiece of my mental well being!!

  6. you inpsire me alex!
    i don't know how you pack so much in to your 24hrs.

