We're hiring a new faculty in the department so I am even more busy than usual outside of work hours. On Thursday evening (and the next few to come) I'm having to wine and dine the person we're interviewing. This is fine except bedtimes are really important so I made my excuses and came home early (though not as early as I needed to be). Somehow I've also managed to be teaching a 3 hour class on a Friday morning.. and between that and interviewing the candidates on that day Friday's have been hectic. But on Friday afternoons Raf and I are taking a baby and me yoga class. It's a bit crazy trying to get there as Rich has to bring me Raf and I have to make a mad dash to Portland in order to make it - all the while trying to squeeze in food for both me and Raf. It;s really worth it, though, as this past 2 weeks it's been a lovely way to spend some time with Raf after a long busy week.
On Thursday mornings there's a storytime at the local library. I hadn't been, mostly because Raf is always napping around that time, but I thought we'd go for it this week. So we did that, too... The children's part of the library is really nice, and the story time was mostly sing songs, which Raf enjoyed (he loves the bouncing). This was another lovely way to connect with Raf after a very busy beginning to the week. He really seems prime to enjoy these type of activities now he's a little older.
These little activities are really helping to make the return to work more bearable. Knowing that I have some peaceful times/slower times with Raf planned out during hectic work weeks provides some solace that 1) I get to spend time with Raf; 2) I spend time with him that is fun and peaceful.
I'm looking for an infant's music group I can take him to. He really does love music, and actually just received the most lovely and sweet 'fiddle' CD from our friend SH :) I wish I could post some of the music here as it really is so delightful, and it does make you happy to just to listen to it (even when you're tired and a bit grumpy).
Whilst getting Raf to bed is entering a new difficult phase (we're transitioning from his Amby to his crib... just for the first part of the night before we go to bed), co-sleeping is really working out well. For one Raf now stays in bed with Rich when I get up early, so now both Rich and Raf are getting more sleep, and secondly when you're away from your baby all day and you don't get in until bed time is looming, it's a very sweet and pleasant way to find a way to spend more time with them. Here he is last night as I got into bed....