Tuesday, March 29, 2016

11 months old!

Yesterday Harriet turned 11 months old. Time is flying, our love for her seems to grow and grow, and her place in the family is firmly set. She is cheeky and sweet, says 'mama mama', and stands up given any opportunity. She is our lovely girl, beaming at us all when we walk into the room; getting into the dog dishes, placing building blocks on the highest shelf she can rich on her tiptoes, squabbling with Charlie, getting over-zealous hugs from her biggest brother.

We're so lucky to have her. <3 p="">

Getting Ready for Easter!

Easter was a lovely, lovely time, with lots of egg hunts and activities in the run up to the day. Rich and I had given up things for Lent... so I enjoyed a nice cold diet pepsi on Friday, and Rich enjoyed a nice beer! 

The week before we headed to the Saco Rec Easter hunt. All the boys best friends were going so up we went, in below freezing temps, and a Charlie who I had to literally manhandle into a coat, for a three minute egg hunt! Brief but very, very fun.

A few of the crew...

Warming up inside.

And then the yearly 'making a vegan cadbury's creme egg' day!

So delicious. And worth the labour.

And then the day before Easter we headed out to another Easter egg hunt. We met briefly with some neighbours, but our other friends sadly couldn't make it as their little guy was poorly. I was solo with the children as Rich was on a bike ride with a new crew (it was cold... I didn't envy the brave man!) It was absolutely crazy there... so many people!

The boys were in different areas for their egg hunts so I went with Charlie and Raf headed to the big kid section, which ran parallel. This was a really great event, in spite of the craziness.

Digging into the treats immediately.


Then for some face painting...

Transformed into a bunny!

Two of them :)

And then to see some sweet little animals.

The boys loved feeding the goats, bunnies, and donkey.

And we finished up the morning with some crafts.

And a final goodbye to the bunnies.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Sunday Photo: March 20th


The boys have just finished up a very fun season of basketball. Raf was playing with some of his best pals, and they had a fabulous time. For Raf it was first and second graders together, so a vast difference in height, ability, and success! Raf, especially, loved it, though, and made so much progress in such a little space of time. He likes to hustle when he plays!

During the last game, Raf's team was losing quite spectacularly. That didn't put Raf off. He tried and tried to get a point, and in the last few minutes dribbled the ball for more than half the court before missing the shot. But then he did it again... moving down the court, looking for another player to pass to, but not finding anyone available he tried the shot again and SCORED! Everyone cheered (who does not like the underdog to score, especially a little blonde one!). I will admit there was almost tears! Even the coach of the other team high-fived him, and afterwards a few of the parents from the other team let him know he'd done a very good job.

More than that basket, though, Raf had a blast playing, and especially was pleased to be with some of his best pals. Rohit was on another team, but thankfully we saw him often!

Charlie was also signed up, and he might have been a bit little. But he got to play with his pal Benjamin, so they paid very little attention together!

I know one person who is probably glad the season is over, though!

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Valentine's Dance

Last year Raf was sick on the day of the school's valentine dance.  This year it was cancelled because of a snow storm! Thankfully they rescheduled it for later in the month and the boys and I were able to go.  Raf LOVES to dance, and he asked me, as we drove into the car park, "I wonder if they give out awards for the best moves"!

They got straight in there... 

And who doesn't like the Birdie dance?

Raf found one of his good friends Brennan, and they were very kind about letting Charlie join in their antics. Charlie tried to get a kiss from his new friend!  A really fun night.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Sunday Photo: March 13th

Everyone is sick :(

Sunday Photo: March 6th

10 months old

Hatts turned 10 months old on February 28th. We celebrated with cupcakes, except actually Hatts and I were in bed so the boys celebrated. She's pulling to standing, cruising, and even pushing her push toy, at times. We went in for her 9 month wellness check up last week and she's around 19 pounds (around 50th percentile), 28 inches long (34th percentile) and has a very average sized head. She's so sweet and funny, and gets on so well with the boys. Charlie's favourite thing to do is to wake her up... 'it wasn't on purpose, mummy...' or '.. it was just an accident'!

We're on round God knows what of sickness... me and all the children. I can't remember the last time I slept only badly! All nighters with the children when you're ill yourself is not much fun. May Spring come upon us soon!