Friday, September 18, 2015

Lady Hatts

Hatts has had a difficult week with some bouts of vomiting and resurgence in her reflux, so lots of very awful nights (with the day beginning around 2 or 3am), though I think she's on the upswing. Fingers crossed. On Wednesday evening she had her 4 month appointment and weighs in at 13 pounds 3 oz, basically she's double her birth weight. She's 25 inches long and her head is completely normal in size! She is such a sweet girl, loves rolling onto her tummy from her back, she enjoys squealing and grabbing on to everything, exploring new textures as she bunches up whatever she has into her little fists. 

Snoozing after an early start to the day. 

Sporting a new outfit from uncle Christian and Aunty Alice.

Those lovely cheeks.

Found my feet!

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