Saturday, September 12, 2015

Footy Boys

Raf hasn't been at all interested in team sports, indeed he really had no desire whatsoever to play football, T-ball, etc. He's been happy to ride his bike, swim, and so on. This summer, though, he asked to go to soccer - so we signed up both boys. Raf has two practices a week and a game on a Saturday. Rich has sort of been roped in to help coach the Navy blue team on a Monday, though on a Thursday they get a proper coach from the UK! Today they had their first game and they won 4-3. Raf was in goal for a little while and got quite upset because the ball never got neat to him...!

Charlie also started today! His, thankfully, is just once a week :)

Hatts and I have been taking the boys each time... it's a lot of football!

Picture by Charlie... 

Trying to entertain Charlie as we watch his big brother.

More pics by Charlie... Hatts taking a nap.

And today Charlie had his first practice! So much fun.

Hatts watches on, as usual.


He's pretty good.

End of practice chant.

And then off to watch his big brother. Nice playing.

Practicing with his friend Aidan.

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