Thursday, February 19, 2015

Valentine's Day

January and February are fairly dreary months in Maine: post Christmas excitement, it's cold, it's snowy, and Spring feels like a long way off. So we all look forward to Valentine's day as it's a good excuse to make a fuss, to have a party, and to just celebrate! It started on the 13th when Raf had his school Valentine's party at school. I was very last minute about the entire thing and had to put together a last minute little valentine's gift for his school friends (as is the tradition here). We had fun putting together the little bags and Raf helped write all the labels.

I remembered to pack him a little heart shaped sandwich (my sad attempt at a Valentine's lunch!) and off he went. He had an absolute blast, coming back with some yummy treats from his fellow classmates and teachers. He'd made some lovely cards for his teachers, too, and he was seemingly quite proud of them!

We had a busy actual Valentine's Day, mostly because it fell on a Saturday and on Saturday mornings we have swim classes to get in followed by gym class and naps for the youngest Oliver-Campbell. We were still planning a family Valentine's party, though (any excuse for cake!). That afternoon I whipped up some cup cakes and some heart shaped cookies for the boys to decorate, and we had a nice teatime icing and decorating with sweeties the baked treats.

The boys were quite generous with the sprinkles!

Charlie, especially, found it difficult to find spots for his sweeties after he covered his cookie and cup cake with so many delicious and colourful sugar sprinkles...


A few more, mum!


And, hurrah, pressies!  The boys are all of a sudden on a chuggington train kick and they were lucky boys to receive some special treats from both nana and us.


Raf's love note to this brother... "Charlie, I know you are excited for the party'! And indeed it was a lovely party!

Especially the lovely trains!

And after present opening and present playing, back to the table to eat our lovely decorated goodies.

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