Raf is 5 weeks today. It hasn't been the most auspicious day, He's not a happy camper today.. It started well with Rafi sleeping in until 3:15am, which meant he slept for 6 hours! I fed him, nipped to the gym, and when i got home he was ready for more grub. Usually he falls asleep mid morning, but not today. I thought I'd try and help him sleep by putting him in the car and taking him for a drive. That sort of worked. I put him in his sling when we reached Target and after a few minutes he started to howl. He usually loves his sling so I was a bit stumped as to what to do. Fortunately Rich happened to be in the area for a meeting so he came and rescued me and helped me get to Babies R Us so I could feed and change him. I managed to finish up the chores and made it home... Since then he has been quite the grump. Nothing is really helping him to settle down, so I think he's overly tired now. The only thing that helps is continua nursing which, honestly, is exhausting. We couldn't even get out for a walk this evening because he was so fussy.
Poor baby.
Frankly, he is generally a very easy going little guy. There are, though, some real challenges. The biggest, perhaps, is the challenge of nighttime parenting. We're co-sleeping, which is a lovely, lovely thing. he sleeps in a snuggle nest which sits in the middle of our bed. As the night progresses his body sort of falls out and his little arms and legs flail out touching my own arms and body. He is a noisy sleeper, though, so while he sleeps for good stretches, I wake up constantly making sure he;s okay. Thankfully I don't have to get out of bed for this!
the other issue around night parenting is the negotiation between Rich and I around who does what. Inevitably I am responsible for the majority given that we're nursing and haven't yet expressed and used bottles, but Raf has a hard time falling back to sleep after he's nursed and who gets to deal with that is a thorny issue. Mostly it's been me - as Rich works - but operating on hours of broken sleep is not so good for someone looking after a newborn. all that said, we seem to be developing some routine...
Here's a typical morning:
Raf stirs between 2-4am (sometimes he has a midnight feeding, too) and i get up, change him, take him downstairs (he doesn't love to nurse in bed much to my dismay). I stumble down, pop him in his swing whilst I grab a couple of drinks.. one being iced water, the other (hiding my face in shame) is a large diet pepsi. I know, I know.. who would have thought that I'd be drinking something with so many horrible chemicals and substances.. but I learnt through all the food aversions to eat and drink whatever I can.. and pepsi is turning out to be a good friend!). After an hour of nursing (raf eats for a LONG time) he falls back to sleep but will NOT go back to bed... I can wait until he's in a deep sleep and he'll still wake up and protest about going back to bed. So, I either sit with him for a couple of hours or I pop him in the swing where he generally likes to snooze. Around 4:30am I get Rich up to sit with the boy whilst I nip to the gym...
And then it's back again to feed the Raffman, shower, and eat breakfast... hopefully before Rich leaves for work. There are variations.. one of which sees me going back to bed if the wake up call has been super early (i.e. before 3ish)). Another variation is a bike ride.. or me sitting with Rafi on the couch watching everymore TV.
I have watched so much TV, I can barely believe it. Law and Order, Royal Pains, The Listener - are just some of the classics I'm working my way through. Oh, yes, also old episodes of Cheers!
We don;t just watch TV. We do daily doses of tummy time, we go for many walks, sometimes on our own, someimes with Rich and the boys, and sometimes with friends. We usually take a trip out - even if it's just an adventure to Whole Foods. But nonetheless we do a lot of sitting, me with my laptop on the sofa so I can at least keep in contact with the outside world. Unfortunately I generally have only a finger to type with, so the extent of my interaction are profile updates on FB. Yes, I feel a bit of a sad case for that, but frankly I'll take any human contact! Status updates and wall interactions, then, are a bit of a god send!
I'm fast losing the battle with my eyelids so I'll have to stop writing... hopefully this little sleep seal who has AT LAST fallen asleep - is ready for bed. Wish me luck!