Monday, February 2, 2015

January Round-Up

January was a beast of a month with sickness and snow. I'm actually at home on the 4th snow day in  less than a week, and I'm wondering what we'll do with all the snow! Our house is finally lurgy free, though poor old Charlie took around 2 weeks to feel properly himself. Even so, January was filled with lots of fun things too: play dates, parties, and plenty of playing in the snow. Mum and I nipped down to Ikea to buy some furniture for the baby's room (aka Nana's room!) and the boys were super helpful in helping me to put it up!

Charlie enjoys dressing up... and here he is as a dragon - jumping off the bed.

Boys helping put up furniture... why did I choose the largest chest of drawers?!

The screws involved...

And when I was desperate the boys watched a lot of iPad...!

And read books.

And lots and lots of drawing...

And on the odd days, when it's warm enough, we've headed outside for walks around the block, the boys on their bikes, even! Here's Raf showing his little brother how to pedal.

Lots and lots of wrestling... poor Raf.

Lots of fun parties...

And snuggles...

Snow day naps.

And lots and lots and lots of snow and shoveling.

Recovery time for the boys...

And for Rich...

More tea parties...

And yes, more snow! But we have our very own snow mountain!

And thankfully a healthy, smiling Charlie.

Yet more couch time with youtube (homemade Thomas videos)

Because it truly is bitter out there.

Thankfully we've had lots of swimming, gym class, and other indoor fun.

Time for more relaxing.

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