Today Raf and I headed to the ultrasound place so we could check on girl-poppet (supposed to be our 28 week scan). Raf had been poorly when we last went so I purposely scheduled the ultrasound for 7:30am so Raf could come with me and not miss school... except it's school vacation week :) This meant I had to get to the gym before 5am in order to get back, shower, and drive to Portland. It was lovely to just take Raf with me, and whilst he ended up watching youtube clips of Thomas and Friends on my phone, he was so happy to see his sister. He even got to meet the nurse who attended his birth!
Poppet Girl is doing very well. She passed her biophysical within a few minutes and she seemed very happy. She's weighing in around 3 pounds 1oz, and is around the 60th percentile for size. Her head seems smaller than the boys (thank the lord) but with longer legs! It'll be interesting to see if this is the case when she joins us some time soon...
Aside from the ongoing nausea (it's honestly pretty grim) and fatigue (pregnancy when you're almost 39, with two kids and a full time job is very different from a first pregnancy at 33!!) things have been going very well with the pregnancy. I feel much better when I can get to the gym to run, though since this involves a 4am wake-up it's not always possible to go... (see note about fatigue). last week I also failed my one hour glucose test so had to go in for the extended test the next morning. Thankfully all was good and I don't have gestational diabetes.
Not sure how I got to be this pregnant so quickly...! I am a little nervous for the next couple of months, which I am guessing will fly-by.
Alex, I am so glad the scan went well! And think of you so much. xoxo