Friday, December 27, 2013

Christmas Day

Christmas was a very relaxed affair this year. We usually have my mum here with us, and so it just being us made for a quieter time. We had planned to do a few things, as we usually do, such as watching The Snowman, having a Christmas tea, and more, but we ended up just playing with the boys' new toys after lunch and really didn't do much of anything else! 

The day began at a reasonable 6:30am. Raf was so excited and ripped through is stocking, and then everyone else's. That was the theme of the day. Raf had asked for two trains (Connor and Stephen) and a puzzle from Father Christmas. And he delivered those trains right in Raf's stocking. 

Wow! Happy boy!

Meanwhile Rich opened his stocking....

And then Raf delighted in new toothpaste!

And Charlie found two kiwi fruit.

And I found a Wham CD. How did Father Christmas know I'd been pining after this?

Eventually we made it downstairs to find evidence of a visitor.

And the boys discovered more pressies under the tree.

Raf was a bit daunted by this almost 100 piece puzzle, but with a tiny bit of help he did it!

And then a lovely breakfast of waffles and fruit.

And one of the highlights... a castle from Nana!! Charlie bought his brother some knights to go into it.

Charlie really enjoyed it!

Raf was super happy about his dinosaur book from his cousin Archie.

And then it was lunchtime.

And then we really got to work with the presents. We made poor old Raf wait to open most of his gifts until after lunch as we knew he'd be sad when everything was opened. In the meantime, we had to endure constant requests to open 'JUST ONE MORE present, and that's it'. I have never seen someone unwrap presents so quickly. He in fact opened everyone's! Poor Charlie will put up a better fight next year, I'm sure.

We did get everyone out for a brief Christmas walk. It was sooooooo cold!

But Nana had sent Charlie some lovely warm snow trousers and coat. He was really snuggly and warm.

And then home to an evening of playing and playing and playing. The boys got so many books, which we made an effort to work through. And then we got to do some building. Raf and I managed to put together a motorbike from Aunty Jo, and then we played with Raf's new magnatiles, which were our main present to Raf. They're great!

No Christmas tea and no viewing of the Snowman (we'll do that today), but a very laid back day with a delicious tufurky!!

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