For once, Rich and I weren't entirely last minute with Christmas. Charlie was up at 4am and so we took advantage of the early wake-up and I got most of the wrapping finished. And then we ran to the mall to get a couple of last minute bits and bobs.
After riding the carousel there and then hitting the book store for some drinks and bagels, we headed home where Raf and I made cookies for Father Christmas. And for us.
Then we ate our traditional Christmas eve soup, opened our Christmas pyjamas/pajamas, and the boys also opened a present from under the tree.
Then it was bath time and pyjama time! The boys were quite excited!
Then it was time to take own the advent cards down and hang the stockings.
Then.. hot chocolate, a glass of milk, lots of carrots, and a choc chip cookie.
See you in the morning!
Adorable matching PJ's!! Christmas Eve looked so fun for you. I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. x