Thursday, June 17, 2010

Raf chats to Rich

I'm starting to work on a little film to remember Raf's first year. i was just looking at the footage from the UK and found this little gem.


  1. Super cute! and I like the new theme! And can I ask a totally ignorant question? Will Raf have a British accent? I always thought yes, but a patient whose parents are Scottish and grew up in the US doesn't have an accent and she said that was normal. huh. Who knew??

  2. It's a great question! My guess is that he'll speak American even though Rich and I are both English and I have not lost my accent at all in ten years. But I will be piping the BBC into the house trying to create a little bit of English. that said, if went back to the UK and Raf was a kid, he'd no doubt pick up English quite quickly. They're little sponges!

  3. I sort of think he already has a british accent! I was just popping by to comment on just that :)

    xo fia

  4. just play bbc jane austen etc or have the bbc world service/bbc radio 4 piped into the house constantly and have him a little ipod with bbc radio podcasts. Just like homes in North korea have constant piping of NK propaganda. That should sort it. lol.

    He'll probably have a hybrid. He'll sound a bit british with an upward inflection, in my experience ;0)

    Now, if he had a British nanny *ahem* he'd probably sound a bit west country, which is how Zoey was sounding, though i don't think I sound west country!

    I love the new layout. Happy and spring like. Can't wait for the first-year vid xx

  5. My brother-in-law is Scottish and my niece and nephew sound American, but a few words do come out with a British inflection.

    I have loved checking out your travelogue! It seems like you had a wonderful trip!

  6. just NEVER let the boy use the word "panties" or fanny to refer to bum. And say bum, all the time, instead of butt. lol. those are the golden rules.

  7. Thanks, all! We're hoping for a little English accent! Lou, better come over and supervise. You're definitely right about those words.. as there are others! mUmmy and not mOmmy, for starters.

    Just made a father's day film and uploaded it. I couldn't help myself putting it up early! lol
