Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Memorial Day

We still have more pictures of our trip, but first a quick post about our Memorial Day weekend.. as well as Raf's seeming shift from baby/infant to toddler. Where did this little boy come from? We returned back to the US with a little boy who is almost walking! He pulls himself on virtually anything and he pushes his little walker around, charging into everything, getting annoyed when things get in his way. We can barely keep up with him...

He is also teething, so the evenings and night have been a tad horrifying. Poor baby. Last night he was up most of the night full of partying energy. I tried to wait him out in bed, playing sleepy games, but by 1am it was very clear that he wasn't going to be asleep any time soon. So from 1-3 I was downstairs with him, and then he was back up at 5 with Rich. It was a trying night, that's for sure.

We didn't really have a plan for the holiday Monday as Raf was so short on sleep yesterday, too. We had planned to take him to Jen's and Rich and I were going to take advantage of Raf having someone to look after him and play tennis. Alas, it didn't work out as Raf and Rich didn't get up until 9am and by the time we got moving it was lunch time. So, we packed up a picnic and drove to Portland, mostly so Raf would nap. We dropped in on Sage and Jen to drop off Sage's very late present and of course Raf woke up. We just about got to Deering park before he had a meltdown. So here we are...

Send sleep vibes our way if you have any to spare :)


  1. Aw, what cute pictures! I am so sorry about the difficult sleep right now. It will pass, I promise! But I know that doesn't help you much now. Sending you lots of good wishes. And thank you for the lovely matching game--Sage loves it! She's been using it to tell stories. :-)


  2. Little Man doesn't have any teeth yet...not looking forward to it, either!

  3. sending sleep vibes from Oz.

  4. Handsome boy looking cute with the hat!
    Raami is teething too. He was sick couple of days back. I hope Raf's teething gets better and he sleeps well for you.
