Tuesday, July 14, 2015


Last Tuesday Raf turned SIX! So today he is six years old and one week. It was a lovely day, with Rich taking the day off from work to help us celebrate. Raf woke up at 6am, smiling, and said, 'it's my birthday'! He wanted breakfast in bed with a little present to open... He could barely contain himself. 

Not so patiently waiting... 

Present was unwrapped first...

And then breakfast...

Charlie woke-up in the midst of Raf opening his first gift and said, 'ninja turtle for Charlie'? Thankfully we'd gotten a few little presents for Charlie as this is a tough old age to watch others receiving lots of presents.

Breakfast in bed... and all over the duvet!

Hatts watched on... vaguely interested.

And then downstairs.

Very excited.

So many lovely gifts.

Matching jumpers for the boys.

"What in the world?" Raf kept saying...

Lots of lovely loot. Thanks for the train set and train Nana!

New kicks... from the UK.  And lots of nina turtle swag.

Thanks, Aunty Bex! Both boys love this stuff.

Showing off his new swag.

And the we headed to lunch. We were planning on going to the water park but the weather looked as though it was going to be gloomy so we planned to go to the fairground that evening. We went to the Lobster Shack, which is on a beautiful bit of coastline. The chips are very nice there, too.

Yummy! And the weather was GLORIOUS.

Lots of playing on the rocks. 

And then we rushed into Portland and made it to the train museum for the last train of the day. Another lovely ride in lovely sunshine. (Forecast was very wrong).

They wandered off holding hands to ring the bell of the train.

Ring, ring.

All aboard and off we go again.

The boys were completely exhausted and fell asleep in the car. We thought we were heading out again so thought a 5pm nap would be fine, except then it started to rain.

Cake time cheered us up.

We Facetimed with Nana to sing happy birthday to Raf, though FaceTime doesn't allow one to share cake over the inter webs, sadly.

And then lots of playing with new toys, especially the train set, and then a very, very late jaunt around the block in new jumpers. The fairground had to wait.

Raf had a brilliant day. He went to bed declaring that this was his best day ever.  He said to me, 'Night perfect, splendid Mummy'!

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