Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Getting Ready

I am on modified bed rest for the next few weeks. Fortunately I'm close to 34 weeks already and baby can come any time after 36/37 weeks. I'd prefer 40 plus, frankly, and so I'm hoping just a few weeks of rest will calm things down. I'm working from home and some kind colleagues are helping me out by delivering my lectures until I can return. Even a few days of rest has already helped, which is a good sign. It's also modified rest so I can pick up the boys and do a few things as long as there's no pain, contractions, etc. 

Baby girl looked great on the scan yesterday, doing her practice breathing, wiggling around (signs of a happy baby), but with her hands over her face we weren't able to get any pictures. I'll be back next week, so hoping to get some good pics for the boys. 

Before all of this, though, the boys were very helpful in helping me to put up more furniture for the baby's room. It's taking shape now, and with all my bed rest I've gone a bit mad on Etsy with sweet little pictures. I also have a lovely little blanket picked out. 

This picture does make me laugh!

Raf actually helping...!

Charlie not so much.

Yesterday the little newborn outfits I ordered arrived. We don't mind dressing her up in lots of the boys stuff but as with Charlie we bought a few little special items to bring her home in. Not that special... Chas was sick as soon as we put him in the carseat to bring home and I was glad to have bought a three pack of sleepers!

There's much to get and organise still, but we do hopefully have a few more weeks until she arrives.

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