Sunday, November 2, 2014

Halloween - 2014.

We had a really, really fun Halloween. It began last Sunday with a super-hero party for Raf's and Charlie's friends, Nico and Enzo. Chas wore Raf's old spiderman suit, and loved it (not taking it off on the Saturday, which included a trip to the beach to dig...) Raf wanted to go as an astronaut but I was completely behind the 8 ball so we hurried to Target to see what last minute costumes they had. We managed to buy completely the wrong size batman suit, so poor Rich ended up going back that evening to find another costume... all they had were spiderman suits, though Raf rolled with it. So we had two little spider boys, and here Raf is with spider girl Addie!

A very lovely party and a really nice preschool. Raf managed to do the monkey bars on this own for the first time (they were low to the ground so he wasn't paralyzed by fear as he is when they're higher). We were incredibly proud of him! Charlie found the sandpit, and perhaps more importantly, the trucks and diggers.

On Halloween itself, I went in to Raf's class to volunteer for a party. His classmates are incredibly sweet, especially the little girls. I was assigned an activity and I was really impressed by the classroom overall. Great teacher, very nice classroom set up, and a very nice mix of kids. I think we've been incredibly lucky, frankly. Raf got some scary teeth in his party bag, and was very happy with them!

Raf had swim class so we had to forgo a trip in the afternoon to Kennebunkport to trick or treat with some neighbours, but we headed out with some other lovely neighbours, who have a little boy a little younger than Chas (they'll be in the same school year). He was a very lovely lobster!

Spiderman, Spiderman....!

Donna and Sam's house.

CJ the doggy's house!

And some of our very favourite neighbor's house - Janet and Doug.

We made it to so many of our lovely fiends and neighbours houses. Alas, I snapped so few pics of Raf as this napless boy was running like a lunatic from house to house...! We finally made our way to Shannon and Jon's house, who live across the road from the most scariest house in our hood. And I mean it's scary!!!

Raf's favourite treat. Lollipop mummies made with oreo cookies!

Charlotte and Nick, our neighbours, took some great pics.

The whole crew! A really fantastic night. The boys were exhausted and as I fed Charlie some applesauce on the couch, he fell asleep - in his little spiderman suit!

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