Last Monday Rafi turned FIVE! It was a super fun packed day - and we enjoyed some glorious sunny weather (unlike the past few very wet and dreary days). Raf snuck into out bed around 6am and whispered, 'Mummy, 5 years ago today I was so excited to pop out of your tummy and meet you'!
Raf had been asking to have a treasure hunt on his birthday, and we quickly devised a little hunt around the house with a few clues to lead him to his birthday gifts. He was quite excited! We ran around the garden looking for more clues (such as, 'where Grandpa's special apples grow') while Rich brought up the pressies.
Charlie was very excited, too!
Getting ready to look for the first clue...
In the oven...
On the trampoline... in the bird feeder,
We found the loot - Raf's favorite place (on the rug near the telly!)
It was another train-fastic birthday. I keep thinking that he's going to go off trains soon, but his love just seems to get stronger and stronger. This Trackmaster Percy was from his little brother.
And Toad was from us (a difficult train to find!) Nana bought him the Flying Scotsman and he also received a few others, which he was so happy with.
Rich's Aunty Lynda always sends him Mr. Men books and he adores them. We bought a few more when we were in the UK, too. I came downstairs to find him reading a few.
After breakfast, the treasure hunt, and present opening, we headed to Kennebunkport Trolley Museum for a ride on the trolley. It was so lovely. I managed not to get a picture of the trolley we rode on, but we were so lucky in the open air one we got to ride on. Before we boarded, the boys had some fun in the museum part.
Conductor Charlie...
All aboard!
After our ride we toured some of the other trolleys in the museum, which both boys really enjoyed.
Exhausted from a busy morning, the kiddos slept as we drove the the Lobster Shack, a favourite place of ours to eat chips! A long wait - but very much worth it.
I have a picture of mum and dad on this very same seat.
Yum! Chips.
And then home to some fun playing with many new toys... especially trains.
And then a family birthday party for Raf. Raf doesn't look too impressed with the cake, but I was rather pleased with it.
Charlie tries to get in on the action.
Yum yum. It was good cake, if I do say so myself.
And to top it off, a quick walk on the beach with the pups.
A brilliant day with the boys. Where has the time gone?
So so so lovely! :)