Monday, June 16, 2014

London Friends

While we were in London we got to see a few old friends. ON the Friday we managed to catch up with 3 lots of peeps. Here is Nina and her new little boy Cameron (such a sweetie) who we were both at college with. It was so lovely to catch up... 17 years later.

And then to see our wonderful friend, Louisa. Much fun was had... 

And then we saw my old PhD supervisor, Ben! He's in a very cool band and we got to see him setting up for a gig in Convent Garden.

And then my lovely friend Lucy, earlier on in the week, who has also led our students on a fantastic art walk around London.

And a few pics from our proper camera when we were in Cambridge visiting our friend Phil and family. They also came down to London to hang out with Rich and the boys (sadly I couldn't be there). They rode the cable cars and took a boat jaunt back. Raf called the cable cars the 'flying boxes'!

Raf muscled in on the family shot!

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