On Mondays I don't return home until close to 7. The boys - mostly the doggies - give me a rousing welcome. Charlie joined in for a big hug, too.
On Tuesday morning, I was busily making porridge and noted a strange quiet fall on the house. Wondering what was amiss, I turned the corner and found the boys in the coat cupboard, playing in the hats and gloves tubs. They were having a fine time, and then they settled in there to read books and play with trains.
While they may row a bit about trains (indeed Raf bit Charlie on the cheek this week...), they also have times of really enjoying each others' company. Here they play with their magnets and train tracks.
It was also Pancake Day! I made some English style pancakes and the boys had fun watching me flip them. I think Raf was super impressed! I didn't drop one!
One thing Charlie likes to do is scribble. If I say to Raf, 'do you want to do some drawing or painting', off Charlie toddles to fetch the crayons and paper. This usually encourages Raf to do some, too!
On Friday night Raf had dance class (which he loves) and then on Saturday morning we all took Raf to gym class. He has such a blast!
Afterward, with temperatures in the 40s, we hit the beach. This looks much more fun than it was! It was nevertheless cold and breezy, the dogs were their usual ill-behaved selves, Charlie was in the carrier in his big puffy coat making it uncomfortable, and then he insisted on getting down so we had the long slow march back to the car...!! Still, can't wait for spring. This winter has been interminable.
Rich had the boys for most of today. I honestly was feeling miserable because it was another weekend of working, and I'm still behind. Nonetheless, the boys came in for regular snuggles, and at one point, Raf knocked on the door and said, 'Can I come in? There's a very important person here who needs to see you!'
Sunday morning bath was a lot of fun, though!
And then we braved the cold for another walk. Charlie walked all the way around the neighbourhood, save for a quick 1 min pick up as we walked down the hill.
Spring break next week. I am counting down the minutes.
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