Sunday, February 23, 2014


Nana departed for the UK yesterday. We're all so sad and it's been a lovely, lovely trip. This morning Charlie was looking for her, and was very sad when she didn't materialize. I'll write a post about the remainder of her stay. But for now, a quick blog about a little bit of spring like weather! It almost hit 50 so we took advantage by taking the boys outside. On Saturday Raf and I got out on his bike, and he had fun doing some 'tricks'.

When Charlie woke up from his nap we all headed outside for a jaunt around the neighbourhood. I put Charlie in the carrier but he was desperate to get down and walk. Usually, when in his snow boots, he collapses to the ground when he attempts to walk but fortunately he's gotten the hang of them and, much to our surprise, he walked around the almost entire block. He had such a fun time.

A quick kiss before leaving... 

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