Sunday, August 11, 2013

Cousins: Part Three

A few more pics of the cousin extravaganza! Her the kiddos are enjoying breakfast, which turned into some kids versus Uncle Richard argy bargy as they traded insults (for example, "you eat old potatoes!", "no you eat old boggies"... you get the picture. Rich was the worst of them all). 

Later the kids and Melissa facetimed Sam as we ate lunch in Panera. Raf was eager to talk with Uncle Sam, too,

Car journeys were interesting! Often the cause of unrest and scuffles, but also a time of wonderfulness as all 4 kids often slept at the same time. Oh, how Melissa and I savoured those journeys!

And as always, more beach fun, even when the weather was being unpredictable.

Post beach fun as the kids mimicked Uncle Rich, who always has a pair of sunglasses atop his nose - even inside, when it's dark, and when it's raining.

The following morning the kids joined us for some Shaun T Insanity workout in the cellar. They lasted approximately 3 minutes before they needed a juice and some recovery time.

Lunching with the Bailey-Watts, Charlie and I headed for lunch whilst Raf was at school.

After school the kids played with some of Raf's cool new birthday presents from his friends' party. He's loving the build-a-monster.

And they spent a long time with new play-doh.

1 comment:

  1. What sweet photos! It's wonderful Raf and Charlie got this family time. xoxo
