Friday, August 30, 2013

Mid Week Fun!

Yes, three blogs in one day, but we've been squeezing so much in. On Monday after work I headed to the park with the boys and met Rich after his internship.  Charlie loves the swing!

I was sad to leave this little poppet on Tuesday morning for a long day at work.

But at lunchtime Rich brought Charlie to see me!

After a long day Raf and I played on his swing set and then we hit the beach for a very late evening walk with the pups.

The days are getting shorter but the sunset was stunning. We're so lucky to live here.

Rich and Raf had a wonderful time chasing one another.

And Charlie and I enjoyed a nice paddle in the warm sea water.

A very late night and the boys were fast asleep in no time.

No pictures on Wednesday (see previous post about Dr appointment), but on Thursday I took Charlie on an impromptu lunch run after a very busy morning.

And later to Target where Charlie sat in the trolley for the first time ever. He liked it!

A celebratory dinner as Raf pooped on the toilet (let's just say we've had a lot of regression since Charlie was born in the bathroom department).

And this evening we enjoyed dinner al fresco. Charlie is finally starting to eat more, and tonight he really enjoyed some peas!

Little Boy Wonder - 4 year appointment!

Rafi had his 4 year check-up this Wednesday. I'm not sure what I was thinking but I made the appointment for 7:15 in the evening. Rich has his internship in the evenings so I took both boys along, and of course the Dr was running 45 minutes behind. I could have cried! The boys were so good, though, and the appointment went well. 

Raf weighs 39 pounds and is 40 3/4 inches. I don't think he's taken after Rich in the height department and Deb projected that he'll be around 5ft 10inches. He had one immunization, which he didn't love. I felt awful as he really wasn't expecting it to hurt. Nonetheless, he was quite the trooper.

The next day, as he was getting ready for school, he looked at a picture of Rich wearing a tie. He bemoaned the fact that he didn't have one, and I reminded him that he actually did! So he changed into a shirt and popped on the tie. Alas, he didn't wear it the entire day but he looked so sweet!

Adventures abound!

Classes began this week so it's been very busy as we get into a new routine. I have so many pictures from the summer to post, though, still. Here are some of last weekend. A few more from the Botanical Gardens... mostly from the children's garden. 

The Sunday was just as busy. In the morning we went on a family run. Charlie slept most of the way!

When we got home we packed up the car with a picnic and went to the State Park for some lunch and an afternoon on the beach. It was a gorgeous, gorgeous day.

Some kind people lent us an umbrella, which Charlie used as a crutch for standing. Much fun was had.

It all got too much for Charlie, who enjoyed a little nap in the shade!

While Charlie napped, a little seal beached itself on the shore. We called the marine mammal wildlife center and they sent a team out to rescue her. Hopefully she's okay.

Frankly we were all exhausted, but we had promised Rafi that we'd take him to Old Orchard Beach for some fair fun... He has a brilliant time, though it's not nearly as much fun without cousins to ride the rides with.

A fun packed weekend... trying to cram everything in before autumn arrives.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Botanical Gardens

I returned to work full time last week. To say I am sad would be a massive understatement. While I've been working all summer, I've mostly done it from home so the boys have been around and we've done something fun most days. After a busy week of meetings and events, Rich arranged a trip to Maine Coastal Botanical Gardens. Given that I have a mountain of work to do, I was a little reluctant to go, but what a treat! We headed there on Saturday with a picnic and clear blue skies, and enjoyed a good few hours wandering around the beautiful - really stunning - gardens. I'll upload more pictures later of the children's garden, which was spectacular. Both boys had a blast.

Raf brought with him some trains. Both of them thought the path was a wonderful train track, and Charlie was so funny as he crawled behind his brother - both pushing their trains.

"Don't take my hat. Char-vee!'

We strolled around for a couple of hours - Rich and I both feeling serene, Raf taking in the many sights, sounds, and smells.

Raf loved the frog pond.

And we all enjoyed the reflexology walking stones.

Raf exclaimed, 'it's beautiful here'! And indeed it was. Definitely worth the drive to Boothbay. I'll post more later when I write about our Sunday, which was another 'staycation day' here in Maine. A brilliant weekend all around.