Sunday, March 24, 2013

Spring Break

It's the end of Spring break, and while I was working for a lot of it I did have some lovely times with the boys, especially with Charlie as Rafi was in school for much of the week. It made me wish I could be home with Charlie given he's so small still - but I return to work tomorrow. Boo. 

We enjoyed a lot of tummy time!

And here he is sporting his new onesie from our friend Jen.

And here's Rafi enjoying the bricks Jen bought him.

All my boys!

I enjoyed a couple of naps with Charlie, too.

Charlie loves his exersaucer. It comes in handy when I'm cooking.

I even had time to have lunch with one of my best friends in the world, Kate.

Charlie was tuckered out after the luncheon.

Today we made it to Maple Maine Sunday. We met up with Rafi's friends' Colby and Sawyer - which was a lot of fun, especially as I got to see their mum, Karla. 

When Rafi saw the lovely cows at the farm, he said, 'mummy, we don't eat cows'. 


  1. Alex, how on earth did C get so big already??? Didn't you just give birth?

  2. I know, Julie! Isn't it crazy! (also, for some reason I can't get into my FB messages... but I did read yuor message. You're going to have to email me the results of the scan!!!!!). How are you feeling? xo

    1. Starting to feel much better although nausea still creeps up on me it's much less constant. I'm exhausted but emotionally at least feeling very happy. A huge contrast to J's pregnancy when I had antenatal depression. It was really terrible and I was miserable until she was born, then felt great so I know much of it was biological. What is your email address? I'll email you pics, too later this week :-) My mom was here and I got the Doppler out so she could hear both babies over the weekend :)
