Sunday, March 31, 2013

Charlie's First Easter!

Last Easter we were happily telling people that we were expecting Charlie! And now, a year later, he's here. Today was his first Easter, and Rafi's first with a little brother in tow. Raf has been quite excited for Easter. Apparently the Easter bunny joined their class last week and he was quite excited about the lollipops and potential chocolates. So yesterday I attempted to re-create a vegan Cadbury chocolate cream egg. They came out quite well. 

This morning we had a nice early morning snuggle in bed. It was nice not to have rush off somewhere (although every morning begins at 5am at the latest!). Raf found their Easter balloons and Charlie was quite intrigued by them.

Before we searched for the Easter baskets Rafi and I took the pups for a walk around the neighbourhood - and Raf brought along his scooter. Last year, when we bought it, Raf was pretty terrible at it! He wouldn't really try - and so today, it was great that he hopped on and took to it as though he's been scooting for ages. The weather was warm(ish), and I began to get excited that Spring is, perhaps, here. 

I forgot to get some eggs to do an Easter egg hunt so instead I hid the baskets in Rafi's playset and tied the balloon to the tree house part to signal to a searching Raf that the Easter Bunny had been. We excitedly traipsed through the snow and Raf was over the moon to see his swag hidden in his play set.

Charlie was super excited, too. 

He was very, very excited to receive Edward the Train! He said, 'oh, thank you Easter Bunny for giving me Edward'. He was such a happy boy.

Yummy... a homemade Easter egg!

And then, after 5 months, Charlie finally rolled over! It was very slow and incremental - but he finally rolled from his front to his back. He's been so close for the past 2 months but doesn't seem to have much interest in doing it. He's more of a back scooter. I don't think that rolling is going to be his method for getting around, but it was fun seeing him doing it.

While I went for a quick run, the boys watched Raf's new Ivor the Engine DVD downstairs in the cellar. They had a fine old time.

I ran to the beach and the boys met me down there for some beach fun.

Post-run (only my second proper run since I have Charlie), and Charlie fell straight to sleep as Raf played in the sand.

No pics, but en route home we stopped for some chips! Yummy! Post kids' naps Rafi tried on his gardening gloves and planted his little grass seeds.

While Charlie practiced sitting up on his own!

Then jumped around for a bit.

We enjoyed a lovely Tofurky roast dinner, and the boys wore their matching new Easter shirts. Ah, the first of many matching outfits, I hope (though I know we won't get away with that for long).

Cake decorating...

Which Charlie watched in his new highchair (he last 2 mins before he wanted to get out).

And after dinner we had a lovely bit of chocolate cake.

Super Easter, though Raf really had some 3 year old moments!

Busy week in a few pics

Life, as ever, is nuts. Another round of sickness for us all (GAH!) and a very busy work week. But, Rich took Raf for a new haircut.

I got some cuddles.

The boys had cuddles, too.

Raf modeled his 'Sly as a Fox' tee shirt.

Rich and Charlie had some nice cuddle time as we walked around the neighbourhood.

Raf had some fun dancing...

And more cuddles.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Spring Break

It's the end of Spring break, and while I was working for a lot of it I did have some lovely times with the boys, especially with Charlie as Rafi was in school for much of the week. It made me wish I could be home with Charlie given he's so small still - but I return to work tomorrow. Boo. 

We enjoyed a lot of tummy time!

And here he is sporting his new onesie from our friend Jen.

And here's Rafi enjoying the bricks Jen bought him.

All my boys!

I enjoyed a couple of naps with Charlie, too.

Charlie loves his exersaucer. It comes in handy when I'm cooking.

I even had time to have lunch with one of my best friends in the world, Kate.

Charlie was tuckered out after the luncheon.

Today we made it to Maple Maine Sunday. We met up with Rafi's friends' Colby and Sawyer - which was a lot of fun, especially as I got to see their mum, Karla. 

When Rafi saw the lovely cows at the farm, he said, 'mummy, we don't eat cows'.