Thursday, October 11, 2012

Plan of Action

Ah, today has almost come to an end and there is not even a little sign that baby-Toast will soon be with us. I'd rather be playing the waiting game as opposed to having a little one in the NICU, and of course nothing about this pregnancy has been straightforward. Indeed it's a bit of a farce... from preterm labour to post-term induction.

Today I saw my midwife and she suggested that we consider scheduling an induction for 41 weeks primarily because of the excess fluid and my lupus diagnosis. I had a great induction with Rafi at 38 weeks and 5 days, and it was very gentle and didn't need pitocin or anything stronger than cervidil.  I would, though, rather avoid a medical induction even though we discussed a low intervention induction once again... probably a cervical ripener followed by the rupture of the membranes if the baby is positioned well. The one danger of excess fluid is the increased risk of cord prolapse and stillbirth, so I am a little nervous, and we'll have to see how things go.

We do have another plan of action to get things moving. After my scan tomorrow Rich and I may get some curry, and then I have booked an acupuncture treatment for later that afternoon, and I see much walking and perhaps running in my future. I do feel fine waiting another week, I really do, but I would love to avoid a medical induction. It's hard to believe that we'll almost certainly have a baby by this time next week. Crazy.

The actual appointment today went really well. Toast passed his non-stress test with flying colours, as usual, and despite the crazy fluid amounts and his seemingly big size, he's hiding SOMEWHERE but my fundal measurements are still 3 weeks behind. I think he may be lodged in my back, or something.

Today is one of those days when friends reveal themselves to be utterly amazing. Ayala, Karla, and Margaret all got in touch to offer to help with Rafi if we do go into labor tomorrow evening, and I feel so relieved as were in a bit of a bind. And then I returned home from my midwife appointment and there was another package on the doorstep from another friend, Ash, who had ordered Toast something from our wishl-ist and something for Rafi, too. Raf is going to go bonkers when he sees the new Thomas knapsack Ash picked out for him!

We're incredibly lucky to have such lovely, lovely friends. I've been meaning to upload the photos of the blanket Lou crocheted for us, as well as the many other things people have sent to Toast and Raf. These boys are surrounded by a lot of love.


  1. So sweet of your friends :-)

    Common baby Toast!!! I hope all goes smooth for you and the little one Alex. Can't wait to see him :)

  2. Good plans and I'm so glad you have a good midwife/midwives. I'm so excited.

  3. I'm so pleased that after all the worry, you've managed to carry baby to full term. I'm sure you'll be so relieved to have him in your arms now and it surely can't be long.

    I found that a few days of lovely (power) walks got me going with the three youngest. Patrick was stubborn and needed inducing and forceps. He really liked where he was!!
    Natural prostaglandin is said to get labour started...but that may not be on your to-do list!!!

    Looking forward to seeing baby photos on here very soon. In the meantime, take care. x

  4. Alex, I sure hope he shows up soon. You have been in my thoughts. So very glad you have so much support!!!!xoxoxoxo
