Monday, September 10, 2012


I wasn't feeling at all confident that I'd make it to my own baby sprinkle on Saturday. For almost 36 hours I was having some pretty noticeable contractions, cramping, and backache. Nothing impacted how I felt - not a change in position, more fluids, etc. Although it was all pretty continuous there was no emerging rhythm or intensifying of symptoms so I held off calling my midwife knowing that I'd be sent to the tertiary hospital for monitoring. Jen graciously said we could postpone the sprinkle, but honestly I'd really been looking forward to it after over 5 weeks in exiled bed rest.

Someone was smiling down on me because on Saturday evening, around 10pm, everything just abruptly stopped. Just stopped, out of no where. I went to bed and aside from the every half hour loo breaks, not one contraction or bit of cramping woke me up.

I felt super waking up on Sunday. Poor old Rich was a bit behind on the 'to do' list so I must admit that I helped clean the house up (but no cramping as I did it :) ). Jen had offered to have the sprinkle at our place so I wouldn't have to leave my chair, and it was great because it meant that Rich felt compelled to get that 'to do' list down. So up went pictures upstairs that we've been meaning to put up since Christmas, and we even managed to declutter a few areas badly in need of decluttering.

Ayala popped around at 9:30 to begin some gorgeous smelling apple cider, and Jen arrived soon after to set things up. I was upstairs the entire time and didn't really know what was going on... Rich came up to confirm that, indeed, Jen et al. had gone to so much trouble as they decorated the downstairs with beautiful flowers, sweet baby items, and an assortment of food and drinks. Jen set up a table with tons of plain onesies and paints and each guest, throughout the afternoon decorated one. It was so lovely!

I'll take some photos of some of the others as there were some great shirts! 

Everyone came with some very yummy food to share.. and I have to say that it was not so much a sprinkle but a shower as people had really been generous in bringing gifts for Baby Toast, me, and Rafi. 

I can't convey how thoughtful Jen had been. We hadn't invited lots of people but almost everyone Jen invited was able to be there, and truly it was a wonderful group of women who were funny, kind, and thoughtful. Jen bought with her a bag of pretty beads and a wire to make a bracelet and everyone picked a bead and as they threaded it each person said something they wished for Baby Toast, and (of course this was a bit mortifying but also incredibly touching) what they like/love/admire about me. I was pretty overwhelmed by the generous and sweet sentiments and I don't think I've ever felt as grateful for my friends as I do now.

Baby Toast received some beautiful outfits, toys, socks, shoes, and more. His mama received a much needed eye pillow, some plush slippers, diaper bag. lotions, candles, creams, bath salts. magazines, flowers (oh, a huge bunch of flowers!) and two very pretty plants... oh, even more than that! And Raf got a really cool self-feeder and some paints and crayons. I really wasn't expecting gifts so I have to say that it was a super nice surprise, especially after our mould debacle.

We were also very lucky to have Ayala there with her camera, and she captured some super shots! Sadly I was clearly pulling odd faces throughout the day :)

Kind, thoughtful - Beth.

The enormous - GIGANTIC - bunch of flowers from dear Tracey. I was trying not to fall backwards here. 

One of my most cherished friends in the world.. Kate!

The most gorgeous Tracey M, who does a fine British accent. 

Rich... before he headed out with Boy Wonder. 

Our lovely neighbour, Margaret, the artist, who won the award for most creative and funny onesie design!

Oh, and dear, dear Jen! Is there a better friend anyone could wish for?

Lovely Susan.

Dear, generous friend Amy.

The wonderful, friendly, and warm - Karla!

The lovely, sweet Alicia who has the best taste in all things clothing and design!

Sweet, sweet outfits. 

This is my favourite shirt... designed by Jen's daughter - Sage. It sounds like it could be a logo for some trendy design company. 

The downside of Ayala being the photographer is that I didn't get a snap of her...  this is just a selection of some super photos. I'll post a few more in the next day or so.

Such a happy, joyful day... and only 2 days until the end of bed rest! 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Sorry, that was me. Signed in as "unknown."

    Alex, I swear you are the most gracious person ever. It was a pleasure to do it, and everyone was so helpful in bringing the potluck and so many other things! And the photos! So grateful for those, too.

    But mostly, we were all just so happy to see you and Rich and Rafi, to nurture you a bit, and to celebrate the imminent arrival of Baby Toast! Yay! xoxoxo

    Oh, and I'm glad Ayala got a photo of my onesie before I smeared it!

  3. I'm so glad you have such wonderful friends right there and they could celebrate you and Baby Toast. Sending you lots of love!

  4. What a lovely friends you have in there Alex!!!

    Wish we lived closer.

    Love and (((hugs)))

  5. We don't end up with beautiful friends by accident. Like attracts like and I am touched and moved on your behalf for such a beautiful, nurturing sprinkle. With friends like these you can get through anything and I love you so
