Friday, July 6, 2012

Final Day As a 2 Year-Old

Today is Raf's final day as a two year old. As I mentioned in the post below, it's quite amazing the changes in him lately. He's so much 'older' in many ways, and as he gains independence and ventures into the world a little more, we see all that we're gaining and all that we're losing (i.e. Rafi the baby). 

Today we decided to start the birthday festivities with a trip to ride Thomas the Train. We did the same trip last year, and while he had a nice time then, it was clear that he didn't quite understand what was going on and was a wee bit apprehensive of the train ride itself. This morning I told him what we were planning to do and what struck me was the level of his anticipation! I suppose he must, to some extent, conceptualize the future and past so that now he can get excited for things we're going to do... 

It's a long drive to North Conway from our new locale (we were quite close before) and Raf was very patient. As we pulled into the parking space, though, he was about to combust with excitement. He ran to the train station and I thought his little heart would pop out of his chest from the sheer thrill. It was, though, incredibly hot and as we walked through the stalls and shops (all put on for this event, no doubt making an absolute fortune for Mattel) he was a tad overwhelmed.

But, wow, there's Thomas! (though I think Raf wished it was James as he's never been a huge fan of Thomas, per se, and tends to like the other trains much, much more).

Is this real?


We were all melting as we waited to board the carriage.

Raf can barely believe it.

Is this really happening?

Lots of clapping as we get going.

Catching a breeze.

It was a lot of fun, though I, especially, felt like crying because of the heat and humidity. Fortunately for us there's a park with some really great kid sprinklers set-up so Raf managed to cool-off (though at first he was a bit reluctant until he found a new friend to chase through the muddle puddles).

It's COLD!

I was feeling sorry for Raf all day because of how hot he must be underneath all that crazy hair, so en route home we stopped and he got a new big-boy cut.

He looks very smart, though I am already missing the super-long locks.

When we got home Rich took Raf and the boys for a walk and I attempted to make Raf's train birthday cake... we'll see how it comes out as it's a 3D train cake and I'm honestly not hopeful! Raf could barely contain himself when I told him what was in the oven! a Train cake?!!!! Wowza.


  1. So cute!! I bet he had a lot of fun!! We meant to take Bug to see Thomas this spring, but it didn't work out with the timing. We for sure will take him next spring. Bug has also been talking about his "burpday" for WEEKS now and has specifically requested a Mighty Machines party...we shall see NEXT Saturday how the construction theme plays out!!

    Raf definitely looks older without his big mop of hair...but cute with both the shaggy hair and the shorter hair. I am taking Bug tomorrow for his birthday haircut so that it will have a week to kind of grow in before his party (since his hair is shorter even than Raf's new cut and we have two cowlicks to deal with)!!

  2. What a handsome boy!!! Loved the new haircut. Happy early Birthday Rafi :-) Alex, I am sure the cake would turn out yummy!!!!

  3. happy birthday rafi love. lucy x

  4. Rafi's hair looks super-cute!
    Happy birthday to him and birth-day to you, for bringing such a gorgeous little chap into the world. Hope you all have a fabulous day and the cake is a huge success. Photos please! :) xx

  5. What a dude. I love him. How fab to have folks who will get as excited with him. Love ya

  6. What a wonderful post, and a fabulous day for Rafi. I am sure he will remember this for the rest of his life! You are such sweet, thoughtful parents.

    And I agree-the haircut is adorable!

    xoxo Congrats to YOU, too.
