Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Bossy Boots

It seems that overnight Raf has turned into a very stroppy teenager.

This morning the conversation went something like this:

"Hi mama' (he got up just as I was coming home from the gym). 'No daddy, no!' (yet to work out what Rich was doing that was so contrary. 'No, Rich!'

Every question, suggestion, direction was met with a resounding 'Nooooooooooooo'. He continues to say 'no' when he means 'yes'!

He responds quite well to choices. "Raf, do you want to get changed upstairs or downstairs' (actually this wasn't that effective this morning). 'Do you want to choose something to wear.. how about your train tee-shirt?' And he shot upstairs. Socks are another new battle - and so now I give him 3 pairs to choose from, and this is helping no end.

But lots of 'Nos' and now, 'NO WAY, Daddy'! He says it with such affect, too - capturing future teenage years in one very short word.

Actually, Raf is getting quite bossy! Another sign of things to come... He likes to direct us when we're driving (to try and capitalize and maximize the number of train tracks and train bridges we see), he likes to tell me where to sit, where to go, and the relentless, 'Come, mama, come', when he's upstairs and I'm downstairs is quite something. He never gives up trying no matter how many times you say, 'Raf, I'm busy, come downstairs if you'd like to see me'. Or, if I say, 'Raf, I'll be up in a few minutes', those few minutes will be filled with tyrannical 'Come, mama, come!'

This morning the baby's name was 'Baby Toast'. He giggles loudly when he says it. Cheeky monkey.

Almost 3 is such a great age!


  1. I've read that 3 year olds are exceptionally pleasant people, so perhaps in a month we'll both have little 3 yr old angels? Yesterday J was playing with my mom in the nursery and I checked on them. "Go away Mommy, I don't want you!" She's told Brian before "can you just go to work?"

  2. I remember the no-to-everything stage zoey went through, which would then lead to screaming Ab-dabs as she didn't get what she wanted (on account of declining it with an emphatic NO!!!). Love that age still!

  3. Julie, that is so funny! Raf is changing and growing so much, but his sweetness remains. Little people are so funny. I wish I could freeze him at this age (though unfreeze him when we're in the shops so he'll cooperate a little more!).

    LOL, Lou! It is so funny! I was going through a list this morning offering Raf different things, and I dropped in a juice box, but of course he was saying no to everything. It was less emphatic and then 3 nos on he said rather coyly, 'Juice box, please, mama'! lol
