Sunday, April 22, 2012

Bouncy Bouncy Bouncy

We had a very busy weekend and it culminated in a fun play date with Raf's good friends from his old nursery - Sawyer and his older brother Colby. The weather was quite awful today so we arranged to meet at a bouncy castle place where there are lots of huge bouncy structures with massive ladders and slides. Raf had already run around Target like a lunatic before we even got there, so I was a bit in awe of his endurance as he ran around and climbed and squealed for almost 2 solid hours. None of the video or pictures came out very well because mostly Raf was a blur, running here and there, with me helping him up some obscenely steep bouncy ladders.... Thankfully I don't have pictures of that!

Raf had a fab time with Sawyer and Colby, and Colby was so sweet in being a big cousin to Raf. He was helping him climb and then would wait for him so they could slide down together. S and C are such sweeties.

 What goes up...

Must come down.... 

A very fun day, and despite falling on his wrist and obtaining a bloody nose when some bigger boy bulldozed into him, Raf had so much fun. When we told him we had to go, though, he didn't put up much of a fight. He was utterly exhausted. I handed him an apple and sandwich as we walked out, and I've never seen him eat so quickly in all his life. He must have been starving. Another sandwich and a handful of pretzels in the car and then he zonked out...


  1. it's denis the menace!
    sooooo cute. i would love that place, but they'd probably have to ask me to leave as i'd be on it all.
    his hair is so gorgeous. loved watching these x

  2. "A bouncy castle place where there are lots of huge bouncy structures with massive ladders and slides" - I love to hear you describe things. I told Jay it was like a warehouse full of bounce houses. Yours sounds so much nicer!

    We had so much fun - thanks again!!
