Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Child Care

We've been so lucky with Raf's childcare providers. We started off sharing a nanny with some friends of ours and Jen, the nanny, was super. The logistics, though, were very taxing so we found Vanessa who's been with us since last summer. She is great and Raf really loves her. He has so much fun... but today she gave her notice in as, in happy news, she's getting married and her soon to be husband is in the military and is stationed out of state so in September she will be departing.

We have plenty of time to make new arrangements but we're simply not sure what to do. We don't know whether to look for another nanny/sitter or to think of a childcare center. We're just not sure. We were hoping to wait until Raf was preschool age before we sent him into the bigger world, but, well, he'll almost be 2.5 in September. Honestly I have such significant fears about him being elsewhere.

I don't know if our little boy is ready for it.

Oh, I don't know if *I* am ready for it. I don't think Rich is...

Id love to hear others' thoughts on childcare as well as suggestions if you're in the area. With any luck we'll be moving to the Saco area in September/October.



  1. I've heard good things about Tania's Tots over in Limington (a bit in the wrong direction, I know), and Little Tykes II has the cheapest daily rate.

    If we could afford it, I would love to send Asher to ROOTS in Gorham: http://www.rootsenrichmentcenter.com/

    We've been lucky that someone's always been able to be home with Asher, so he hasn't had to go into daycare.

  2. no helpful suggestions here, just a wish to be raf's nanny! love ya x

  3. I would be your nanny still if I could! :) I think, in the right preschool, it's totally fine. At my college, there was a preschool (also functioned as a developmental studies lab!) that started with 2s and went to 4s (three rooms: 2s, 3s, and 4s). And it was great. Kids can totally do it at 2.5 Mommies and daddies can too. :)

  4. Hi Alex,

    Oh, so much uncertainty right now for you! I'm sorry. I hope that you get this ironed out soon. I think you could go either way with Raf--one-on-one care or a preschool with a very low teacher-to-child ratio. Looking forward to hearing what you decide!

