Sunday, January 16, 2011

Return to the Pool

It's very quiet around these parts without mum and dad. As we drove home from somewhere on Friday afternoon both Rich and I lamented about how quiet it would be on our return. No one waiting for us, no one to share in all Raf's little delights.. Indeed the very nice thing about having family around -especially doting grandparents - is that you're given license to go on endlessly about how great your child is. "look, Dad, did you see that? Isn't that precious?"; "Granny, isn't he the sweetest little poppet? How clever is he eating his peas like that?"... and so forth.

But it's back to us three plus the pups and the kitty. Yesterday was very low-key, and I confess I spent a lot of time on the couch exhausted from weeks of barely any sleep because Raf's been cutting a molar, and also I've upped by triathlon training as base training season kicks in. This morning Rich and Raf stayed home while I ran (it was a bit chilly for Rich!!), but this afternoon, after preparing some chili in the slow-cooker with the ingredients contained in the winter farm-share box we picked up this morning, we all went swimming.

Over the summer Raf had enjoyed himself tremendously swimming in the local lakes and ponds and we'd also taken him to the local pool for some parent/infant swim lessons. Since then we've not been at all as a family, but this afternoon, in the freezing cold, we took the plunge. Well, Rich and I did.. Raf gripped me in absolute terror as we sat on the pool-side. Rich and I took it in turns swimming a few lengths here and there, and then, all of a sudden, he seemed to relax. Rich and Raf had been playing with Daddy's goggles... they'd throw them in the pool and then I'd dive in and get them if they couldn't retrieve them before they sank to the bottom. Before we knew it Raf was ready to go in.. well, 40 minutes later! He really loved it! We didn't spend too long in the pool as it was pretty cool and we'd been there for a long while, but Raf really got in the groove.

I was glad we didn't push the issue too hard, that we let him get used to the pool again. He is a fairly cautious little chap and he likes to familiarize himself with things before diving in (pun not intended). He's such a great little boy.


  1. what fun! water is a big part of our lives in australia and over the years i've enjoyed watching my four enjoying the sea and pool. lots of splashing and laughter :)

    kate xx

  2. it's good to hear what's been up with you, and that you are enjoying some family time amidst all the busyness.

    awwwww what i love most about coming here to comment is being surprised by the pictures.


  3. Kate, it IS so great to see Raf in the pool and lake. Rich and I were commenting yesterday how last summer was our absolute favourite ever because Raf adored splashing about and swimming in the lake and pond. I'm already itching for next summer (so envious for you right now.. except the long summer break!!). All being well and we move sometime this year, we'll ideally be living right next to the beach (well, a 5 minute walk) and it'll be lovely for Raf, I think, as he gets older.

    Ash, love seeing comments from you here! It's so hard to carve out any family time (um, I am guessing you really know that), but it's the best of times for me, right now.


  4. It was 3 degrees out this morning and you guys went swimming! You are amazing. :-) What a lovely post this was. Miss you! xoxo
