Sunday, February 21, 2010

A week in pictures

bath time and being cute..

Hanging out in Panera

Helping mummy fold washing.'

Cuddles with daddy

Valentine's Day

I belong to this really lovely online bulletin board. Within it is this wonderful community of running mamas. We're currently doing a secret santa sort of thing, which involves sending out 3 packages over a series of weeks. One came for me on Friday - I don't know who from, but there was a gift for Raf. Here he is playing with it.


Raf loves this stuffed cube. It has a little bell inside, which makes him shake it frantically so he can hear it. It seems to be the closest thing (next to my car keys) of a lovey!


  1. I LOVE that last picture especially. "DIS IS MIIIIIIIINE. NOBODY TOUCH DA CUBE!!!"

  2. LOL Lou! I think you're right. Really, really worryingly, he literally will throw a tantrum when you take something off him. And since he always seems to grab illicit items, like my keys, we have a lot of those tantrums. Do you remember that big squishy key ring you bought me a few xmas's ago? Well, yesterday, in Panera, he wouldn't get out of his gob.. I tried, and he screamed the place down! There were tears and stares from strangers which implied we were cruel heartless parents. I let him have it back and he chewed, chewed, chewed!

  3. I certainly wouldn't mess with him. He looks like he could stand right up and suddenly be six feet tall and towering over me with a rattle in one hand and a cube in another. No way. I pick my battles.

  4. Isn't he a joy?! Especially loving the naked bath one. Gorgeous! x

  5. Aw.....Alex Pictures are Beautiful :) Its been quite sometime since I logged in/updated Raami's blog, I cant believe Rafi is such a grown up boy now! Yay for Rafi !!!! My favorite is Rafi playing with the surprise gift :) He has such an adorable smile, lovely
    Jealous of his hairs though! Raf...plz send some to Raami LOL....

  6. I want to eat him, too. Just looked again and that top bath picture is just adorable.
