Monday, January 25, 2010


What a busy time we're having. I'm not sure how we're fitting in everything, but it is a bit nutty around these parts. Last week I returned back to work and, unfortunately, it coincided with Raf becoming sick. Little S and H, his nursery friends, had come down with it, and I'll share with you guys that I thought we'd escaped it. No luck, I'm afraid. Tuesday night he was up every few minutes and the following night wasnt much better. Rich stayed home on Wednesday as we just felt it would be hard on everyone (especially Jen, the nanny!) if we took Raf both ill and sleep deprived. So it was a very hard week... It wasn't a gentle reentry to work, either, as I am on many committees and we;re also doing a faculty search meaning dinners out and long interview days.

Oh well.

But on Friday, after work, I did take an ill Raf to baby yoga, which was very sweet.

That night, though, Raf has a temperature of 103. The nurse hotline we called thought it might be an ear infection, but after brining his temp down with tylenol, and after managing to get him to sleep for the night, he woke up feeling much better. Thank goodness. We had a nice weekend with him, and I have to admit that weekends are ever more enjoyable to me now that I have to work on a Monday.

This morning Raf went to the nanny's and I made my way to work incredibly sad. But Jen is very gracious and was soon sending me adorable updates and photographs of the poppet, which really did help. And he did well today... He took more of his bottle than usual, and because he only takes enough milk to stave off real hunger (leaving him a bit grumpy still) Raf has been having from time to time some rice cereal. He doesn't seem to mind it, and my sense is that if he can at least not be hungry when he's away from me then he'll be a much happier baby. It seemed to work today. He had a couple of good naps and tonight he is actually asleep in his cot! When he wakes up we'll bring him back into bed with us, but it means that if he sleeps in his cot for a couple of hours that I can get some work done..

Oh, spoke too soon.. I hear someone beginning to cry!


  1. So sorry about the illness. Especially that it was shared among all of you! Rotten timing, too.

    But I'm so very glad that Jen is working out. That can make *all* the difference. Your little Raf is a lucky guy!

    Sending you lots of love and xoxo

  2. Oh Alex, I am soooo sorry Raf being ill. Is he teething? Coz teething makes some baby ill. Glad that he is feeling better and did well yesterday! Get well soon handsome boy :) :)

  3. hi love,
    so good to hear from you, and i am so glad to hear that rafi is feeling better. it is amazing how much happier living beings are when they are well-fed, isn't it!

    just wanted to write a quick note to let you know that i am still here, reading and enjoying your posts!
    lots of love,
